Chapter 8

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Back at the Technodome, Sunfire (Tadashi) and Jenny are running down the halls. "And that's why I have powers." Jenny finished explaining to Sunfire (Tadashi). "Whoa, I can't believe Salem is your mother," Tadashi said, as they stop to take a breather. "So, your father, Ozpin, doesn't know that you and your sisters are alive?" Jenny looked down, "No, but I do know that he's the reason how me and my sisters got maiden powers." Sunfire (Tadashi) looked sadden about Jenny's story, how rough she went through with her sisters. Then the two heard yelling almost halfway across from them, "HEY, LEAVE SHADOW ALONE!!!" "You'd hear that?" Sunfire (Tadashi) asked Jenny. "Yeah, it's coming from that way! Come on!" Jenny said, as the two run towards the yelling.

In the lab where the yelling is, Chris Kratt (Wild Kratts) is in a Krang cage shaking the bars. As a Normbot put a black fur baby jaguar in a cage. "Released Shadow the black jaguar!? He's just a baby, not a test subject!" Chris shouted, as he kept shaking the bars. "The subject is just an experiment to test the mutantgan." One of the Normbots said. One of the Krang bots pulled a lever and the cage that Shadow is in moved over to a huge container full of mutantgan. The Normbots press a button and the bottom of the cage open, making Shadow fall. "SHADOW!!! NO!!!" Chris screamed. Shadow roared scared and almost reached the mutantgan. Till Jenny flies in with her maiden power and catch Shadow. "Gotcha little one!" Jenny told Shadow, while Shadow touch her face with his paw. "Woah, now that's cool!" Chris said, with stars in his eyes.

Then Sunfire (Tadashi) came in and fire some fire balls at some Normbots. "Hey, can one of you guys get me out!?" Chris asked them. "Jenny help him! I'll hold them off!" Sunfire (Tadashi) told Jenny, holding off the bots. Jenny flys to Chris's cage with Shadow in her arm and pushed the button to open the cage. Chris ran out and turn to Jenny, "Thanks." "You're welcome." Jenny told Chris, with a smile. "Uhh, a little help here!?" Sunfire (Tadashi) yelled, as he fought off some Normbots and Krang bots. Chris noticed his creature power suit and gloves on a table along with his creature power disc holder. "Can you hold onto Shadow for a sec!?" Chris quickly asked Jenny. "Uh sure? But, why?" Jenny about to asked, but Chris ran to get his gear.

"What's going on back there?" Sunfire (Tadashi) yelled, firing fire balls at some Normbots. Chris quickly put on his creature power suit and gloves. He then grabbed his disc holder, opened it, and grab a Jaguar power disc. Chris put it in his power suit, put his disc holder in his pocket, and ran back to Jenny. "Can you keep an eye on Shadow for a bit?" Chris asked Jenny. Jenny looked at Shadow, who roaring a little, then looked at Sunfire (Tadashi) who is struggling to continued fighting the Krang bots and Normbots with his fire power. She then turns to Chris and nodded. Chris pet Shadow's head, which confused Jenny, then he presses his power suit button, "Active Jaguar power!"

He then turns into his Jaguar power suit (black Jaguar power), which surprise Jenny, "To the Sunfire rescue!" Chris ran to help Sunfire (Tadashi), leaving Jenny shocked while holding Shadow. 'How did he know Tadashi's hero persona!? I never told him!" Jenny thought. Chris used his Jaguar jump and sliced a Krang bot in half with his jaguar power claws. The Krang jump out of its robot body and ran off. Chris stand side by side with Sunfire (Tadashi), which he is impressed, though Tadashi isn't psychically around to go on adventures with Chris and Martin when Brenda, his little brother, and their friends are on their Wild Kratts adventures, but him being part of Brenda soul, he's really got to know him. "We should get out of here, now!" Chris told Sunfire (Tadashi).

Then more Krang bots and Normbots came in. "Your right. Let's move," Sunfire (Tadashi) said, as the two ran Jenny, who handed Shadow to Sunfire (Tadashi). "Jenny! Freeze them up!" Jenny eyes started to glow and aim her right hand to the bots, freezing them in place. Chris opens the door and the 3 of them (including Shadow) ran out fast.

Later, the 3 of them found an equipment room, which is empty, and took cover there. "There," Jenny said, freezing the door, so the bots won't get in. "That'll keep the bots from getting in." Sunfire (Tadashi) put Shadow down and Shadow ran up to Chris, who's petting his head. "I'm glad you're okay, Shadow, " Chris told Shadow, as he presses his power suit button. "Deactivate." He then turns back to normal. "Thanks for the save by the way." Chris told the two. "Anytime, mr..?" Jenny said, trying to figure out his name. "Oh, the names Chris Kratt," Chris introduced himself, as he picked up Shadow into his arm. "And this here is Shadow, the black fur baby jaguar." Shadow made a cute little roar and Jenny pet him, "Aww, he's cute. Well, I'm Jenny Oz and this is Sunfire." "Nice to meet you," Sunfire (Tadashi) told Chris. "I should also be thanking you for helping me holding of those bots." "It's the least I could do, Tadashi." Chris said, with a smirk. Both Sunfire (Tadashi) and Jenny were in shock after Chris said. "I honestly have no idea what you're saying?" Sunfire (Tadashi) said, trying to hide his identity. "Don't hide it, Tadashi. I already know that you're a spirit for a while now." Chris explained. Both Jenny and Tadashi sigh, as Tadashi took off his helmet. "How did you know?" Tadashi asked Chris. Chris smile, while holding Shadow, "Well, it started after our Jaguar adventure."

Flashback, after the Jaguar adventure. It was early in the morning in Central America Rainforest, at the Tortuga, Chris is the first one to wake up. Usually, he and his brother Martin are the first ones up and early, but Chris decide to explore by himself today. "Hmm, nothing like exploring the Central America Rainforest in the early morning." Chris told himself, as he starts running into the forest. As he kept running to explore, Chris noticed smoke coming from Shadow and his mom den. "Oh no, fire! Shadow!" Chris said, running towards the den. He was about to get his creaturepod to call for backup, but when he got there, he stops to see Brenda, Miles, Bonnie, and Tadashi training in front of Shadow's den, with Shadow and his mom watching. Chris couldn't believe his eyes to see Hiro's big brother alive. Brenda did tell him, his brother, and the crew about Tadashi death from a fire, but she never told them that he's alive. He then noticed that Tadashi have a little fire on his right hand and threw it at Brenda, who blocked it with a magical shield from her necklace. Chris hid behind some bushes, so he won't be seen. "Woah, I can't believe it, Hiro's big bro is alive! But why is he with Brenda, Miles, and Bonnie? How is he alive? Why does he have powers? Does everyone know that he's alive?" Chris quietly asked himself.

"I think, that's enough training for today." Brenda said, as she sits down on a rock. "Yeah, watching you two trained, even tried me out. Even though we're training. " Miles said, as he and Bonnie walked up to them after their training. Shadow ran up to Tadashi and rub his head on Tadashi's leg. Tadashi picked up Shadow and pet his head, "Why, hey there little guy." "Looks like Shadow likes you." Bonnie told Tadashi. "He sure does," Brenda said, walking to Tadashi and Shadow, starts to stretch Shadow's chin. "Now, you better get back to your mom, Shadow." Tadashi put down Shadow and Shadow ran back to his mom, as she started to licked Shadow's head. "You know Tadashi, your gonna have to tell the others, even your brother, that your alive and part spirit eventually, right?" Brenda asked her friend. Chris silently gasps, "Spirit!?" "I know," Tadashi sigh. "But not yet. I still need to continue my superhero persona." "Yeah, Sunfire is still primary." Bonnie replied. "Sunfire? Huh, have a nice ring to it." Chris quietly told himself. "We should head back to the Tortuga, before everyone wakes up." Miles told them. "Yeah, see you guys soon." Tadashi told them, as he disappeared into Brenda. Chris eyes were widened after what he saw. Brenda, Miles, and Bonnie waved bye to Shadow. "Bye Shadow!" Miles told Shadow. "See you soon!" Bonnie said. As the three walked off, Chris quickly ducks into the bushes, so he won't be seen. "Is Jimmy going to make pancakes today?" Bonnie asked, as they walked by the bush, Chris is hiding. "Maybe, we'll just have to find out." Brenda answered, as they walked off to the Tortuga. Chris walked out of the bushes, looked at his friends, then smile, "Don't worry, I'll keep your secret." Then he ran off in a different direction, so they won't know that he spies on them.

"And that's how I know." Chris finished, leaving Tadashi and Jenny shocked. "Woah, and I thought I had trouble keeping secrets from my sisters." Jenny said, with a smirk, while looking at Tadashi. Tadashi nevorsely laugh, while starching the back of his head, "I'll should better make sure to keep the smoke down next time. But wait? You kept this a secret all this time?" Chris nodded, as Shadow jump out of his arms and ran up to Tadashi. Tadashi picked up Shadow and the black fur baby jaguar touch his face with his paw. "It's good to see you again too, Shadow." Tadashi said, as he petted Shadow's head, which he enjoyed. Jenny looked out the door small window to see Krang bots and Normbots walking by, "Looks like we're going be here for a while." "But we have to find Brenda, fast!?" Tadashi said, in a worried voice. "Why? Did something happen to Brenda?" Chris asked. "Well, it's kinda a long story." Tadashi answered. Chris then sits down on a crate, "Well, I've got time."

(Here's chapter 8, and boy it was nervous for me to make. Also, Chris Kratt knows Tadashi is alive and kept this a secret. I also put in about Shadow the black fur baby jaguar has a good connection to Tadashi and Brenda. I'll work on next chapter soon. Let me know down in the comments on what your favorite chapter and characters in the stories. Till then peace out)

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