Chapter 12

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Back at Brenda's group, Baymax is holding Grabbesy, who is touching Baymax's face curiously, as everyone else was sitting to rest up and talking. "So, let me get this straight," Number 5 told Hiro, who is holding his Vulpix on his lap. "You and your friends started a team called Big Hero 6, after defeating this Callaghan guy, who started a fire that ended your big brother's life. And you guys still help people." "Yeah, the last thing Tadashi told me is "Someone has to help"," Hiro explained, petting Vulpix, which it enjoys. "So that's what we do, help people. And I made a lot of mistakes along the way, but Brenda and my friends helped me learned from them." "Really?" Number 5 said, looking at Brenda. Brenda chuckled, "Yeah, Hiro is like a little brother I never have. I knew him and his brother when we were very young. Every once in a while, I come over to their place to hang out or spend the night." "Sounds like you guys are very close." Number 5 replied. Both Brenda and Hiro smiled from the comment.

Fluttershy is holding Rufus in the palm of her hand, as she and Pinkie Pie try to calm down Grumpy, who is still angry. "Grumpy, please calmed down?" Fluttershy told Grumpy, with a shy voice. "How can I!? We have no idea where we are! And..." Grumpy shouted, before Pinkie gave him a brick of cheese. Grumpy stop being angry and starts to drool at the cheese. "Feel better now?" Pinkie asked Grumpy, with a grinned. "Yeah!" Grumpy said, about to eat the cheese. Rufus ran up to Grumpy staring at the cheese. Grumpy noticed Rufus staring at the cheese, then he pulled the cheese away, "Oh no! You're not getting my cheese!"  "I want it!" Rufus squeaked, as he grabbed the end of the cheese and both of them tug the cheese.

"Should we stop them?" Double-D asked Miles and Bonnie, as they watched the cheese tug. "No." Bonnie answered, with a chuckled. "This is actually entertaining." Miles chuckled. Skye was taking a nap during everyone chat, Phineas and Tails having a chat about their adventures, and Luna is trying to stop Grabbesy from touching Baymax. Then Skye woke up after hearing footsteps coming towards them and she stands up, "Uh guys!? I heard something coming this way!" "What?" Grumpy asked, as he and Rufus stop tugging the cheese. Suddenly a laser beam hit the cheese, melting it to liquid. "NO!!! MY CHEESE!!!" Grumpy screamed. Everyone stands up ready to fight and some Krang bots appeared with blasters in hand. "Great! More of these bots!" Luna said, unamused. "Krang, get the ones, who are the ones to stop the plan, which is planned." one of the Krang bots said, as they start to fire their blasters at the group.  "Vulpix, safeguard!" Hiro told Vulpix. Vulpix ran up in front of the group. "Vul!" Vulpix said, using its safeguard and summon a dome around the group, reflecting the lasers. "Nice, Vulpix!" Bonnie cheered.

"We have to fight them!" Brenda said, getting out her katana's. ""But me and Baymax don't have our suites!" Hiro quickly explained. Brenda then pulled out Hiro's and Baymax's suites from her skirt pocket (as for how the suites fit in her skirt pocket, you'll find out soon) and she handed them to Hiro, who is shocked. "What!? How did you!?" Hiro asked confused. "I'll explained it later!" Brenda told Hiro, as she managed to deflect the laser with her katana's from hitting Hiro, when Vulpix safeguard is down. "Less Talking! More fighting! And Number 5 is ready to kick some robot alien butts!" Number 5 said, as she got out her bubblegum blaster and fire at the Krang. "Tails! Luna! Can you guys put on Baymax's armor for me, please!?" Hiro asked the two, as he put on his armor fast, with Vulpix grabbing some parts of his armor and bring them to him. "We're on it!" Tails said, as he and Luna starts putting on Baymax's armor, with Grabbesy hid behind him, as Rufus guards her from the bots. "Blastshield go!" Miles said, getting his blastshield out and throw it at some Krang bots, knocking off their robot heads. The Krang's jump out of their bot body's and ran off. "Nice job, Miles!" Bonnie told Miles. Bonnie then noticed a Krang bot behind him and fire her electrical powers at it, shocking it. "You're not bad yourself." Miles told his girlfriend, which she blushed from the comment. Then a Krang bot appeared in front of the couple, aiming its blaster at them. Suddenly, a rocket fist hit the bot and Krang jumped out of its bot body and ran off. The couple then see Baymax now wearing his armor aiming his right rocket fist at the bot, while holding Rufus and Grabbesy, who she squealed frightened, while Rufus claps. "Thanks, Baymax!" the couple told Baymax. "You are welcome." Baymax replied.

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