Chapter 7

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Back at Brenda's group, Brenda explained to her friends about the villain's plan. "And that's what happen." Brenda told her friends, finishing her explanation. "Woah, that's crazy!" Tails said. "Those dudes are going to pay for their doings!" Luna said, angrily. "We have to stop them!" Hiro said, while Fluttershy is petting his Vulpix. "But we have no idea where they are?" Bonnie replied. "Or how to stop them?" Miles added. Brenda then held out her necklace to show her friends, "There is one way. Right before they crystallized me, I was able to get my necklace magic to summon all of us here to stop them." "But, why sperate us, instead of one place?" Fluttershy asked. Brenda sigh, "I can't summon all of us in one place. It'll waste all of my necklace magic." "So, separating us is the only option." Phineas concluded. Brenda nodded. Then the group heard some sounds coming towards them. Vulpix jumps off of Fluttershy's lap and stood in a fighting stance, Fluttershy got out her katanas, Miles got out his laserstaff, Phineas got out his baseballgun, and Brenda got out her katanas ready to fight.  Then the group saw a pink nakedmole rat came up to them along with a baby spider-monkey. "Aww," Fluttershy said, putting away her katanas along with her friends and Vulpix look at the creatures curious, as she ran up to the nakedmole rat. "Rufus, it's been a long time." "Hmmh, yeah!" Rufus (Kim Possible) said, jumping onto Fluttershy's hand. Then Fluttershy noticed the baby spider-monkey and her eyes sparkles, "Aww, who's this little one!"

"Grabbesy?!" Brenda, Hiro, Miles, and Bonnie said together. Grabbesy saw the four of them, squeale in happiness and jump into Brenda's arms. "You guys know this monkey?" Phineas asked. "Spider-monkey actually, and yes we know her," Hiro said, as Grabbesy trys to mess with Brenda's hair. "We met her in the central America jungle, with the Wild Kratts crew." Luna looked at them surprised, "No way, you know the Wild Kratts?!" "Yeah, it's a long story. Wait? Did you know them?" Miles asked Luna. Luna shook her head, "No, but Lana heard about them. She always wanted to meet them.

"I know that voice. Guys, is that you?" A voice said. Everyone turned to see Pinkie Pie (EQG MLP), Grumpy (the 7d), Double D (Ed, Edd, n Eddy), Number 5(Codename KND), and Skye (Paw Patrol) came out behind the Krang crystal. "Pinkie!" Fluttershy said, with tears of joy to see her friend ok. "Fluttershy! You're okay!" Pinkie said, as the two hug and Rufus joins in the hug. Skye saw Brenda and ran up to her, wagging her tail, "Brenda, I'm so glad to see you!" "It's great to see you too, Skye." Brenda told Skye, then Grabbesy grab her glasses and wears them. "Grabbesy, those aren't for playing." Bonnie told Grabbesy, as Brenda took back her glasses from Grabbesy. "Grabbesy? Grabbesy!? That's the name of the monkey!?" Grumpy yelled. "Yep, that's her name Grumpy." Miles answered. "It's explained why she kept grabbing my belt!" Grumpy yelled in angered. "Your body language shows frustration, and your blood pressure is elevated." Baymax told Grumpy, scanning him. "It's because I'm angry!" Grumpy shouted angrily. Double D gesture his hands to calmed down Grumpy, "Calmed down, please Grumpy?" "Calmed down?! How can I calm down!?" Grumpy screamed in angered. "Wait, Grumpy? As in the 7d Grumpy?" Hiro asked Fluttershy. Fluttershy sigh and nodded, "Yeah, that's him." "Hey Brenda, how's it going?" Number 5 asked Brenda, as the two-fist bump. "Amazingly," Brenda said with a chuckled, as Grabbesy climbed onto her shoulder. "It's good to see you again, Abigail." "You know her, Brenda?" Hiro asked Brenda. "Yep, Hiro, Baymax this is my good friend Abigail Lincoln AKA Number 5. Number 5, this is my friend, Hiro and the big marshmallow robot is Baymax." Brenda introduced them to each other. "Hi." Hiro said, with a wave. "Uh, is he going to attack?" Number 5 asked Brenda. "What?! No, he's not going to attack." Brenda answered, with her arm around Hiro's shoulder. "Why would I attack? I'm not gonna hurt anyone." Hiro asked, confused. "Cause you're a teenager." Number 5 said, which makes Hiro more confused. "You see, Number 5 is part of a team of kids called the Kids Next Door or KND, who stop evil adults and teens from incciont kids." Brenda explained. "But your older than me and her." Hiro said, pointing to Number 5 and to himself. "True," Number 5 stated. "But there are some teens and adults go undercover after the decimation from the KND." Hiro gets confused. "It means after you turn to a teenager, your no longer work for the KND. But some teens undercover to get information about the teenagers." Brenda explained. "Hmm, interesting." Hiro said, interested.

Baymax waddle to Number 5 and wave, "Hello. I am Baymax." "Woah, now this is one cool bot! Did you make this, Brenda?" Number 5 asked Brenda. Brenda shook her head, "No, I didn't make Baymax." Brenda then side hug Hiro a little, "Hiro made Baymax. He's a genius." Hiro looked at Brenda with a smile. "Really? Hmm, just curious. When did you start school?" Number 5 asked Hiro. Hiro smirked, "I graduated high-school at age 13 and started at the Institute at 14." Number 5 was in shocked after hearing that. "We'll talk about it later," Brenda told Number 5. But right now, I'll tell you and the others on what's happening."

(Well, here's chapter 7. And yes, I'm putting the animals of the Wild Kratts series and the crew in the story. In fact, the next chapter is going to be introduce to a Wild Kratts character and animal I like also my favorite to join with Tadashi and Jenny, so stay tune for that. Also, Number 5 meeting Hiro for the first time, perfect for my story. Till then peace out.)

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