Chapter 11

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Back at Ash's group, they're still walking and looking for their friends. "Bonnie?!" Clement called out for his little sister. "Miles?! Where are you?!" Haruna called out to his best friend. "Hey, Wild Kat? Do you get any single from your tug?" Ash asked Wild Kat, while Victine floated next to him. Wild Kat shook his head, "No, nothing. Wherever we are, it's messing up my tag. So, I won't be able to call Ryder or the pups." "Aww, slim bubbles! This not good." Bloger said worried. "Don't worry Bloger. We'll find the others soon." Clement told Bloger. Serena sat down on a crystal to take a rest, then a little chirped sound came from behind the crystal, which startled Serena, and she quickly got up and ran behind Ash. "Serena!? What's wrong!?" Ash asked his girlfriend. "There's something over there!?" Serena answered, pointing to the crystal.

M.E.R.C walked over to the crystal to take a good look of what it is. Then a little cheetah cub jumps onto M.E.R.C's neck. "A cheetah cub?" Wild Kat said, confused. "SpotSwat!?" Ash, Serena, Clement, Haruna, and Bloger said, together. SpotSwat chirped in excitement seeing familiar faces and ran up to Serena leg and rubbing his head on her leg. "You know this cub?" Wild Kat asked them, as Serena kneel down to SpotSwat and petted his head. "Yeah, we met him and his mom, Blur, during our adventures in the African Savanna with our friends, the Wild Kratts." Ash explained. "Blur?" Wild Kat asked confused. Victine floated to SpotSwat and floated around him curiously looking at him. SpotSwat chirped at Victine. "Victin!" Victine said happily, as it and SpotSwat play with each other.

"There's the little cub!" A woman voice said. The group looked forward and saw Sonic (Sonic Boom), Peridot (Steven Universe Future), Tuck (Paw Patrol), Janna (Star vs the Forces of Evil), Kim (Kim Possible), Ron (Kim Possible), and Bismuth (Steven Universe Future) walking to them. "Guys!?" Bloger said, in shocked. "Hey guys!" Ron said, waving his hand. "You guys got here too?" Clement asked Kim. Kim nodded, "Yeah, one minute me and Ron were on our date. Then the next, we're here." "Well, normally I have a solution for these situations," Peridot explained, using her magnetic gem powers to hover her tablet in front of her and typing on it. "But this world is beyond my knowledge to know." "Relax P." Sonic told Peridot, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. Peridot looked annoyed at Sonic, "That's not my name." "Whatever," Sonic said. "Listen, I handle a lot of these things before. So, I'm pretty sure I can handle it." "Sonic, it's not like our adventure in time travel. This place is different." Ash told Sonic. "Sure." Sonic smirked. "Hmm?" Janna said, looking at the Krang with her usual look in her eyes and was about to grabbed it. "Janna? Don't you even think about?" Serena told Janna. Janna turned to see everyone looking at her sternly, "Think about what?" "Taking the Krang crystal." Haruna answered. "We don't want every Krang bots and Normbots know we're here." Clement explained. "Okay, okay! Jeez!" Janna grumbled.

Tuck walked up to Wild Kat, "No way, your Wild Kat! The cat daredevil!" "Uh yeah? And you are?" Wild Kat asked Tuck, confused. "Oh right, I'm Tuck. Ryder told me and my sister, Ella, that you join the team. We are so excited to have you on the team." Tuck explained. "Oh yeah, Ryder did tell me about you two. It's so cool that you and your sister have powers!" Wild Kat told Tuck. "Thanks!" Tuck said, with smile while whacking his tail. "Wait, Kim, did you use your kimmcutoar to call Wade?" Clement asked Kim. "No, I'd already try. Nothing." Kim answered.

Janna meanwhile kept looking at the crystal. "Did any of you guys seen Rufus, since your here?" Ron asked. Serena picked up SpotSwat, "No, we haven't found anyone at all." "We have to keep trying," Bismuth said, with determination, while Janna reached for the crystal. "We just have to keep trying," Bismuth said, with a determination, while Janna reached for the crystal. "Our friends and families are still out there. So, we have to search one island at a time till we find them." Then everyone heard a loud boom sound, they turned around to see Janna with sute all over her face, while holding the Krang Crystal in her hands. "JANNA!?" both Ash and Serena yelled at Janna. "What!? I need a souvenir after our adventure." Janna explained, with a shrugged. Then a huge crowd of Krang bots and Normbots heading towards them. "Ahh, let's get out of here!" Ron screamed. Victine flies towards Ash and Ash grabbed Victine in his arms, while Serena holds onto Spotswat. "Go! Run!" Ash told everyone, as everyone starts running and the bots starts firing their blasters at them.

Elsewhere, a Pichua is running across the land and stop to sniff around. "Pichua!" Pichua said. "Anything Pichua?" a girl voice asked Pichua. "Pichua." Pichua said, sadly. The girl walked to Pichua and revealed to be Sunset Shimmer (Equestria Girls) kneeling down to Pichua petting it, behind her is Bloo (Fosters Home for Imagination friends). "Ugh, we're not getting nowhere," Bloo groaned, laying down on the ground. "We'll never find our friends or getting out this place!" Sunset Shimmer looked at Bloo angerly. "What!? It's the truth!" Bloo answered. Pichua looked down and teared up. Sunset Shimmer pets Pichua's head, "Don't worry Pichua, we'll find Brenda soon." Pichua looked at Sunset Shimmer and smile, "Pichua!" Bloo's stomach starts to growl in hunger, "Aww, I'm hungry!" Sunset Shimmer facepalmed and groaned, "Sweet Celestia. Hope we find the other soon?"

(Well, here's chapter 11, Classic Janna in the chapter, also Pichua from Pokémon is my OC Pokémon from Kanto. I'll post chapter 12 soon, till then peace out)

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