Chapter 3. Bad Start.

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The moment we want to believe something, we suddenly see all the arguments for it, and become blind to the arguments against it.—George Bernard Shaw.

Chapter 3.

Bad Start.

    Even though morning had dawned only about an hour ago, the heat was already in full sway as the sun beat mercilessly from the sky. Two figures in a horse drawn wagon were making their way to Clearbrook. Both had their neckerchiefs tied around their faces to keep the dust out of their nose and mouth. As the neared the town, they pulled the neckerchiefs down. The taller one removed his hat and ran his hand through his messy, reddish blond hair. Placing the hat back on his head, he turned to his partner.

     "This is it. Imagine, tomorrow you'll be on your way to Santa Fe. It's not too late to change your mind, ya know?"

    The fellow traveler shook his head. "I've been waiting for two years for this day, Jake, nothing in this world will make me change my mind."

     "Oh, Abner, yer so naïve! Trust me, in two weeks you'll be wishin' you were back on the Cora Belle! I won't be surprised if you get to Santa Fe and find out your Glenda has married some other fella and conveniently forgot to tell you."

    Abner laughed at his words. "She's not like that, Jake."

"They're all like that," Jake retorted.

    "Hey, just because you had a sad experience with the opposite sex don't mean you have to try and give me the same fate."

    Jake shook his head in superior manner and the rest of the journey was made in silence. When they arrived at Clearbrook, Jake drove his partner to the station. "You purchase you ticket and I'll go sell the yearlings. I'll come back as soon as I'm finished and we can head over to greet yer Aunt Maggie together."

   Abner nodded his head and the two men parted ways.


    Jake had come from the Cora Belle Ranch to sell off two yearlings in Clearbrook. The Cora Belle Ranch horses were known for miles around to be well bred, well trained, and worth every penny you paid for them. Since Clearbrook was a town with a train station, Jake had been accompanied by the former ranch hand Abner, who was on his way to marry the girl of his dreams after working hard and saving up for two years. Jake was sorry to lose Abner, the two of them had become good friends, but there was no talking him out of marriage. Abner had wanted to marry his Glenda years ago, but her stubborn grandfather had forbidden the match, saying Abner wasn't rich enough. The tide had turned, however,when a few weeks ago the grandfather had unexpectedly died from a heart attack, leaving his granddaughter the ranch and the freedom to marry whomever she desired. This was Abner's moment and the young man was not going to pass it up. Jake couldn't quite blame him, he was not only getting the girl of his dreams but a ranch as well.

    Once Jake had concluded his business, he returned to the train station as promised, Abner was waiting for him.

    "Got the tickets for the first train tomorrow. I wish I could go today, but Aunt Maggie will pray for my damnation if I  dare leave Clearbrooke without visiting her. I'm the only living member of her family - from her mother's side at least.

    "And he's complainin'," Jake laughed and thumped Abner on the back. "I've got to endure a three day wagon trip in the heat while you'll be comfy on a train. Come on, we haven't had a decent meal in three days. It's convienent that yer aunt Maggie owns a hotel with her husband."

   Abner grumbled under this breath, but climbed into the wagon with Jake.

     "You're too anxious to get married," Jake once more informed him.

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