Event 1: The Story of Mika Sato

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(January 10th 1871)

It's a baby Girl!

She's so beautiful, look at her Red Eyes,
Have you seen anything like it?

No I have no what do want to name her, Ruby sounds like a good Name but it's too English.
Well how about "Mika"?,
It means "Beautiful, Fragrance & Good"
Those are the Perfect Things about her.

I Aggre, Mika will be her name for now on.

"I was Happy when I grew up, the Village was a very peaceful place,
And no danger fell on it, Everyone was nice to one another, but that Peace sadly had to come to an end."

"If I remember correctly, There were these Group of Bandits that would pass by our Village and Cause was a hefty amount of trouble.
But the Elders made sure to stand there Ground, for they will fight for the Land there ancestors stood on millions of years ago, that was Village "Mono".

"Never Give Up Anything, That You Believe in, Protect it from the Sins of Greed, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Pride, Sloth and Wrath."

"But We we're not prepared for what was gonna happen next."


When I came home, I found my house very quiet, so we're the other Village Houses when I came back after my chores, I looked for my parents but couldn't find them.

Until I was knocked out from behind, and then kidnapped, I was only 14 years old when it happened.
When I regained my consciousness."
I looked over to see my home ripped in flames and people I knew dead across the Ground.

I've Lost My Home and wasn't gonna get it back, I was taken into a carriage with other children some I knew and that was going to be the last I ever saw any of them alive again after that.

I was soon Taken to England and Solded, to a Brothel where I know Stayed.


"Oh you wondering who that Las is up there?" She's Some Hore they called "Ruby" why do they call her that?

Well because her Eyes of course they
Are "Shiny Like Blood Red Rubies"
She's a Fine Killer Lady, Do I Dream to have her as my wife, maybe if she wasn't Selling that "Body" of hers to those Creeps for Money, she would have been a nice woman to society.

I didn't Wanted to be Part of "This"
Society. I want to go to where I belong!, Japan! But you took me away from it!

And one day I would get what I want, or just sink in despair with my worthless life!

I always Heard People say that about me, "Hore", "Sex Worker" "Dolly",
"Prostitute", I was just a "Toy" to them not a real humanbeing, maybe I wasn't but I wasn't gonna let others drag me around, I could leave my living conditions and life on the Streets under the Roof that hardly gives a Dam who goes and leaves the Place, But I don't exactly have the Money or have Enough to get back to Japan. Even so where I would I go in Japan?, The place I knew was all up in smoke now.

But all that Change when I met someone, I had a strange feeling come over, I couldn't explain it, it felt like Home?, Love that I had lost all those yea-?

Oooooooh You have a Boyfriend Mika!
And do I suspect you want to be taught another lesson about interrupting others when taking Mel?

Ya Mel!

Maddie Don't get involved!, Ok, ok, ok let's get back to the story, your to dramatic flair was making a really cool,
Until I stupidly had to interrupt I'm sorry now continue!

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