Event 8: Dance Battle, The Puella Magi Vs The Persona-Users

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"It was just a normal time at Mikazuki Villa, and it was also a boarding weekend."
Ui, was having fun still on the Weekend, as Nanako, Aiko, Naomi, Rika along with Yuma, Nemu, Touka and Nagisa."
"Man why do Ui and the others get to have fun and we are doing nothing!? Said Felicia."
Felicia, I don't understand why you are Complaining, you basically are sleeping all the time said Yachiyo."
Yeah but I am bored now! Said Felicia."
Then why don't we got help Tsuruno at her Family's Restaurant, sense she's busy this weekend, she might need to get help said Sana."

"That sounds like a good idea for you to do with Sana, Felicia, as for me someone has to stay here and watch over Ui and the others said Yachiyo."
Iroha then gotten a text from Ren who said he was coming to visit with Sophia."

Ren: "Hey Iroha?, I am I able to come over today?"

Iroha: "Yeah Sure no one is really doing anything today, besides Ui hanging out with Nanako, Aiko, Naomi, Rika along with Yuma, Nemu, Touka and Nagisa today."

Ren: "She really has a lot of people over doesn't she? 😅"

Iroha: "Yeah you can say that?, What would you like to do once you get here?"

Ren: "Well I am bringing Sophia with me, there seems to be a surprise she wants to show, I already know about it beacuse she show it to me and my friends first but she wants you guys too see it too?, Is Sakura there too?"

"Yachiyo Is Enteral Sakura here? Said Iroha." Um yes she is, she's outside with the other, did you forgot she was here again? Said Yachiyo."
Uh oh I guess I did said Iroha scratching her Head."
Iroha went back to texting Ren."

Iroha: "Yes Sakura is here?, Is there a reason why you want to know?"

Ren: "Not really it was Sophia who Wanted to know, she also wants to surprise her too, even if she really doesn't have a lot of emotion, I am sure she would be happy to see Sophia."

Iroha: "hey she would, ok I'll see you soon".

Ren: "see you later Iroha".

"Iroha and Ren stopped texting Each other."
Once Ren had arrived, Iroha Opened the Door." But noticed someone behind him."
But she didn't say anything about it."
Oh Hello Ren? Said Iroha."
Iroha still had her eyes on who was behind Ren until they popped out."
Hello Iroha said Sophia with a Smile."

"Sophia!? Said Iroha."
Ren had an nervous smile on his face."
After they settled down everyone came back inside to see Sophia."
So Sophia has a Human body now!? Said Sana." How is that possible?, I thought you were only able to be a phone this isn't the Metaverse or a Witches labyrinth!? Said Felicia."
Well it was thanks to Mitsuru, Koun and including Josephine."

"When you mean by Josephine you mean, the Anti-Shadow Weapon prototype?, The one Aigis ang her sisters call mother right?,
How did she help? Said Rika."
This body was created from her model design to look exactly like me, do you like it? Said Sophia."
|It suits you perfectly Sophia, now you can do a lot of other stuff and hang out in the Real world| said Eternal Sakura."
Sophia smiled as she told them all about her adventure in her new body she had so far as for Iroha and Ren they went into her room.

"So Felicia's saying she is bored? Said Ren." Apparently so said Iroha."
How have you been doing in Takarazaki? Said Iroha."
I've been doing fine, I am going to be graduating soon sense I am getting to the age said Ren."
Oh? You are I see? Said Iroha."
Iroha are you feeling down Beacuse you're behind me? Said Ren."
What!? Uh not! Not at All!? Said Iroha nervous."
"Ren could tell just by Seeing Iroha nervous."

"That's when something happened,
Something was thrown from Iroha's Window Smashing the Glass,
Ren rushed over to her, to protect Iroha from the shattered glass."
It was a can of something, the Can let out gas that was Colored......Velvet Blue."
And Ren and Iroha both her knocked out."

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