Event 11: Pernelle Flamel & The Philosopher's Stone

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"Hey Before this story Begins I want to go over some serious topics they will be used and seen in this chapter considering the Timeline it takes place in, this is taking place in the 1940s, World War II, and I sure you should know a lot about World War II, and if you don't I recommend looking this it, but with a warning the history can be brutal and horrifying, when I mean this for all the people who have Suffered, I ever have Relatives who had fought and survived the war, my grandma (Baba) who lives with me she is a survivor and she was only 4 to 10 years old when it happened to her, that's my mom's side with ties to world too, and then my dad's side my Great-grandfather was a U.S Solider who fought in world war II, I'll call him Robert B.,
But the reason I am being this up is now just because of my family history."

"But sense this is a time where a lot of Death happened it, Mainly if you were Jewish was the worse part of it, it's sick to even say what happened to a lot of Jewish people during world war II."

"But if you really want to know what it was like, there is a book by one of those survivor I recommend you should read, it's called "Night", it's a memoir by Elie Wiesel, I am reading this story In school, and this memoir will definitely show though Elie Wiesel's Eyes of World War II, a book I recommend if you are interested into looking more on World War II that you may have not know."

"Now I got this out, I will make it funny and etc, but I want to make it clear that What happened in this time was very sad and horrifying, and my heart goes out to the survivors and those who fought to free the countries tooken over by Nazi Germany and fought against them."

"Now if you are not comfortable with me this I understand and you do have the read this chapter all the way though, just wanted to say this and get it out of the way, but anyways now that it is Let's get on the the chapter."

(1944, Heidelberg Germany)

"oh dear they just don't give up do they said Pernelle."
She was in a hiding spot watching the Soldiers go looking for her."
Then she heard a click of a gun behind her."
So we meet again "Dame Dieb der Philosophie"?, Are you ready to turn over to Stone?, It looks years for anyone to track you down! Said The man with the gun."
Your a Soldier of Nazi Germany are you not?, Georg Müller? Right? Said Pernelle."

"So you know who I am, I am impressed but this is as far as you go you can either become my prisoner or I kill you here and now Dame Dieb, said Georg."
Dame Dieb? A nice name, That means Lady Thief in German, the Female version of a Phantom Theif?, Yet I am not a Phantom Theif, so what makes you call me a Dame Dieb? Or "der Philosophie?" Which is "of Philosophy"? Said Pernelle."

"She's smarter than I anticipated?,
Thought Georg."
I Know what you're want, that's what you Soldiers were sent to get, but you know I won't give it up easily, in fact that was keeping me alive for a very long time, long enough before you were even born, but I made a promise to my husband that I would keep what he created safe so is it my Philosopher's Stone you want? Then your gonna have to take from me said Pernelle."

"Fine then let's see it! Said Georg."
Pernelle took a purse and slowly opened it, but then fog Appared."
Oh look at the Time, I have to be going sorry, but you aren't the only Ones after me said Pernelle."
Pernelle disappeared, or was forceful Pulled away."
HEY GET BACK HERE! Yelled Georg."

"But she was gone, George throw his Cap down and stomped on it in Anger."

"Pernelle was Taken by a man who happened to know her."
Seriously, did you have to let yourself go like that!, Your not Red at all only white dall rose said Man."
I didn't suspect you come to my rescue Grell Sutcliff?, I must thank you for that? Said Pernelle."

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