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“Hey Tuck, wake up.” Miranda chimed as she knocked on his door.

“Noah honey. Wake up.” Miranda chimed knocking on his door and opening it up peeping her head in.

“Naomi Baby. Wake up.” Miranda chimed once more as she knocked on her door walking into the room.

“Good morning mommy.”

“Good morning my love. Did you sleep well. “

“I did.” She answered sliding out of bed.

“You never decided on what outfit.” Miranda said holding up the two.

She watched as her daughter swapped her eyes back and forth between the two.

“The skirt.” She called out smiling.

“Great choice. Okay go wash your face like mommy showed you and brush your teeth and then get dressed and I will be back to do your hair.” Miranda smiled as she laid her outfit down and then put the other in the closet.

She walked out of her room and she went to the bathroom down the hall to find both of her sons dressed and Tuck was brushing Noah’s hair.

“Well don’t you both look handsome.” Miranda smiled.

“Are you both excited about your first day of school?” Miranda asked

“Yes.” They answered simultaneously.

“I cooked breakfast before I woke you all up. So, when you get finished come down stairs. I’m going to finish your sister’s hair.”

Miranda walked back and she smiled seeing Naomi dressed and sitting on her bed. Miranda grabbed her hair brush, comb, gel and colored pony tail holders and she began to do her hair. She placed her hair in a half up, half down and split the top into two pony tails. She then searched through her hair bucket and found two olive green ribbons and tied them around into bows.

“Okay you’re all set princess and you look so beautiful.” Miranda complimented looking at her white shirt and olive green skirt with white Nike shoes.

“Thank you mommy.” She smiled as they walked out of the room.

Miranda fixed each of them a plate for breakfast and she sat at the table talking to them.

“Is daddy coming?” Noah asked.

“Yes he is, he actually will be riding with us to school after we take pictures of you all’s first day.” Miranda answered.

After breakfast, Miranda checked everyone over and she told them to go grab their book bags off of the rack by the living room.
“I packed you all lunches...here you go.” Miranda smiled handing them to each.

“Okay come on let’s get going.” Miranda smiled as she grabbed her purse and work bag opening the front door.

“Daddy!” The twins cheered.

“Ben!” Tuck called smiling

“Hey kiddos.” Ben said hugging each of them and lifting Naomi up into his arms.

“I missed you daddy.” Naomi said hugging his neck.

“I missed you too cupcake.” Ben chimed. “But this is our weekend so we can do what ever you like.” Ben beamed.

“Build a fort.” Noah insisted.

“You bet.”  Ben smiled.

Miranda watched their interactions before looking around for his car. “Where is you car?”

“Oh, I took a cab from the station and left it. I’ll just walk from the hospital back over.” Ben answered.

Miranda nodded. “Okay who’s ready for some pictures.” Miranda asked excitedly.

Miranda took pictures of her children standing together holding up their signs of what grade they were in. Next, she took pictures of Tuck by himself and she asked Ben to take the picture of her and Tuck together before standing in the pictures with all her kids. She took pictures of Ben standing with his kids and she was still amazed at how much they looked like their father.

“Ma get in.” Noah said and Miranda smiled lightly and handed her phone to Tuck as he took the pictures of them.

“Alright you all ready to go?” Miranda asked and they nodded their head. Ben opened up the car door for them and everyone got in.

Ben then opened Miranda’s door and she whispered thank you before he walked on the other side to get in.

“Ben mom ordered a basketball hoop.” Tuck said excitedly.

“Ohh that’s great. I’m going to have to come over and play with you. Teach you some moves.”

“Daddy can we make cupcakes on our weekend?”

“Of course princess.” Ben smiled.

“You spoil her.” Miranda remarked.

“And you don’t?” Ben retorted.

Miranda smirked. “Okay but she’s got you wrapped around her little finger.”

“She’s my baby.” Ben said simply. “And if she wants me to where a tutu and bake cupcakes and dance around with her. I will.” Ben added.

“Every daughter adds a little sparkle to her father’s life.” Miranda chuckled.

Miranda drove to the school and pulled up at the student drop off.
Ben got out and opened the door for them. Miranda watched as he scooped up his daughter and son into his arms all the once, hugging the both.

“I love you. Have a good first day and be great.” Ben encouraged.

He watched as they nodded their heads. Ben walked with them around to Miranda’s side of the car and she rolled the window down. He leaned down with them so they could hug her neck. Miranda kissed Noah on the head before kissing Naomi. “Have a good day babies. Mommy will be here to pick you up after your after-school care is over.” Miranda ensured and they smile as Ben let them down and held their hands walking with them up to the door.

“I’m pregnant.” Miranda cried.

“Aww Bailey.” Callie began.

“I can’t keep this baby Callie, I can’t do it. A single mom with two kids. How? Then I will be breast feeding worrying about being a good mother.” Miranda cried.


“I don’t even understand. I took my pills and never missed, I called the doctor and she was saying that it was from my window of switching over to IUD versus pills.”

“So you have an IUD in now.”

“Yeah. I’ve had it in for about a month. I did switch to it during the middle of the week when we were sexually active and that was only two days of nothing. So if I'm keeping it. I need to go get it removed.” Miranda sighed.

“ I’m sorry Bailey. It will be okay though.”

“Why is my life like this?" Miranda huffed.

Miranda went to her appointment to get an ultrasound done. She wanted to see how far along she was and maybe get some encouragement about this pregnancy.

Miranda sat up on the table and she let the lady put the gel on her stomach before sliding the wand across.

“Okay so you look to be about a month pregnant. Your babies are healthy.”

“Babiessss.” Miranda gasped sitting up.

“Yes ma’am baby A Is here and Baby B is here.” Miranda watched as the woman circled her hand around the screen.

Miranda cried looking. There was no way she could get rid of these babies. They were miracles and rare, you have twins once in a life time.

Miranda still wasn’t ready to talk to Ben. She just needed to figure everything out.

5 months pass and Miranda was huge. She was already waddling. She picked up with her life and moved on. Everything happened so fast. She knew she needed to talk to Ben but she was stubborn, but on the other hand he deserved to know about his children.

At the nurses station Miranda turned and connected eyes with Ben. She could tell he was in shock from her pregnant state. It shocked her to see him. She knew it was coming but she just wasn’t expecting it. There was no way she could work with him today, especially with the elephant in the room and she was the dam elephant. She couldn’t take the constant stares and things she was going to receive from him so she sent him to the pit.

Ready to go home, Miranda walked out of the attending’s lounge with her coat on.

Ben grabbed her arm and told her they needed to talk. They walked back into the attending’s lounge shutting the door.

“What the hell. So what? You were going to wait until after you delivered it. You look like you are about to pop.”

“First of all Benjamin. It’s two babies in here. I’m only 6 months.”

“Tw-two babies. Twins?!”

“Mmm-hmm and I was eventually going to have this conversation with you. Its just been a lot to process.” Miranda sighed.

Ben nodded definitely understanding. “ I want to be there for you Miranda and for them.”

“I don’t need you to be there for me Ben, of course you can be there for the birth. I won’t deny you of that but after they are born. We can co-parent and switch back and forth, I won’t keep your children from you.”

“Miranda you didn’t even let me have the joys of finding out the sex, buying clothes or any of that. No ultra sounds or anything.” Ben said sadly

Miranda felt bad In that instant. “I’m actually really sorry about that. I should have considered your feelings, I can get you copies of all the ultrasounds and we are having a boy and a girl and you still have time to buy clothes and get what ever you want.” Miranda said lightly

“Ohh a boy and a girl.” Ben said reaching out to touch her stomach but ultimately snatching his hand away, knowing she didn’t want to be touched.

“It’s fine Ben.” Miranda sighed. Ben looked at her and eased his hand down and rubbed it across her stomach.

“Miranda I’m really sorry.”

“It’s fine Ben. I don’t really want to discuss that. “ Miranda spoke plainly.


“Ben, I said no.”


“What.” Miranda snapped.

“Where did you go. I called your name twice. You looked zoned out.”

“Oh, sorry I was. Alright Tuck let’s get you to school.” Miranda said putting the car in drive and thought about how she was so glad she kept her babies.

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