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Ben picked his kids up after he left the station and he drove to the hospital.

“Where are we going?” Noah asked.

“To go get your mother and then we are going to Tuck’s basketball game.” Ben answered.

Ben parked in the hospital and texted Miranda telling her he was outside.

“Daddy I have to use the bathroom.” Naomi said and Ben nodded.

“Okay come on.” Ben said opening the door for them. He walked with them up to the hospital and stood on the outside of the women’s restroom waiting for her to get done.

When she came out Ben smiled and then he saw Richard.

“Hey Warren “ Richard greeted.

“Hi Uncle Richard.” The twins said simultaneously.

“Heyyyy.” Richard greeted hugging them.

“Hey kids sit right there in the lobby where I can see you, while I talk to Uncle Richard.”

“Hey what’s up.”

“I heard the new opening for chief is available and I think you should consider Miranda. She was primed and groomed for this job.”

Miranda was walking when she heard Ben’s voice. She stopped by the corner to listen and she smiled at what she heard.

“ We are talking about a woman who is paving the way for other young black women, who are striving to be doctors. A feminist at it finest and a spearhead for innovative research and surgeries. You don’t know no other person, that works as hard as she does, is able to manage like she does, exceeds like she does, leads like she does, earned and commands respect like she does. Does what she does and is as perfect like she is. This job has Doctor Miranda Bailey’s name all over it and anyone would be blind to not see that.” Ben said.

Miranda played with her necklace as he talked and bit her lip. “Dam.” She thought.

“Hey.” Miranda said coming around the corner.

“Hey Miranda you ready?” Ben asked.

“Yep have a good evening Richard.” Miranda said and she walked with Ben over to the lobby.


“Hey babies “ Miranda said embracing them.

Ben drove them to the YMCA and he got out and opened the door for them.

Miranda walked inside and she sat on the 3rd row. Naomi and Noah sat beside Miranda and Ben sat on the side of them.

Miranda looked at Tucker as he walked in and sat down on the bleachers ahead of them.

He looked back at them. “Hey.” Tucker said politely.

“Hey.” Miranda and Ben greeted simultaneously.

“Hi Tuck’s dad.” The twins greeted.

The game began and everyone watched at the starting five tip the ball off.

Miranda could tell Tuck was nervous because this was his first game. Ben gave him some encouragement and told him to focus on the game and not the people cheering and yelling in the stands, just play and have a good time. She was glad that Ben was a very sports guy so he could help him along the way. Tucker was in to football, so he really didn’t give Tuck much advice and help. Ben loved basketball, so he was able to give him pointers, practice with and coach him.
Another reason why Miranda was glad he was hands on and present in all the kids’ lives.

After the game, they all went out to eat. “I am so proud of you Tuck. You did a wonderful job.” Ben said and Miranda nodded.

“Me too. You were excellent.” Miranda smiled sitting next to Tuck at the table.

Two days later.
Miranda saw Ben leaving out of the pit and she jogged to catch up with him.

“Hey Ben.” Miranda called out as he turned around.

“Hey.” She said once again.

“Hey how are you?” Ben asked, he could tell she was exceptionally happy today.

“You are looking at the new candidate for chief of surgery.” Miranda cheesed.

“Really gosh Miranda I’m so proud of you.” Ben said pulling her into a hug and spinning her around.

“Thank you Ben.” Miranda said sincerely.

“For what?”

“For what you said to Richard the other night.” Miranda replied and Ben looked down at her with wide eyes.

“Oh you heard that?”

“Yeah and I appreciate it.” Miranda told him giving him a bright smile and pulling him into another hug before kissing his check.

“I gotta go back to the station but congratulations chief.”

“I’m not chief yet Ben.”

“In my mind you are” Ben winked.

“Have a good day.” Miranda blushed.

“You too beautiful.” Ben smiled as he turned to leave.

A week later Miranda was dressed in a blue suit coat and black skirt and her hair was pressed out. She put on her necklace Ben gave her after she gave birth to the kids and her heels.

“Are you all ready?” Miranda called out from her bed room. She heard yes three times and she smiled grabbing her phone walking out and down stairs.

“Good morning ma.” Tuck greeted coming into the kitchen.

“Good morning honey.”

“Good morning. Mommy you look so pretty.”

“Aww thank you baby and so do you.” Miranda smiled looking at Naomi.

“Good morning Mommy. Mommy I can’t do this.” Noah said gesturing to his belt and he skipped a loop in his pants.

“Come here and I’ll fix it.” Miranda said and Noah did as told. Miranda unbuckled his belt and pushed it back through to put it through the loop he missed and she straighten his pants out before connecting his belt.

“Okay, you are all done.” Miranda smiled and she grabbed their lunch boxes handing it to them.

Miranda drove each of them to school. Tuck would be going with Tucker this weekend. So she needed to make sure he texted her letting her know that he picked him up. Tucker could be very forgetful.

Miranda walked around with Richard and Tracy McConnell. Miranda took in to account how Richard laughed and was fascinated by her. She watched how she was able to solve the crisis in the OR. quickly and Miranda begin to think that this is what everyone wanted, someone fresh and new. Who was an outsider and would easily command the respect and approval of everyone else.

Miranda never had felt like this before. She always felt like the job was hers but right now, she honestly felt like she would loose and she hated this.

“Hey superstar, are you ready for your presentation?” Ben questioned after he saw Miranda in the pit. She had her scrubs on and was looking at a patient.

“You brought a patient in?” Miranda questioned ignoring his.

“Yeah, small kitchen fire.” Ben said nonchalantly. “Miranda why aren’t you getting prepared for your presentation?”

“Because I’m not doing it. I spent the day walking around with the other candidate and you should’ve saw Richard, he was ready to marry her, hell I would too. She’s fantastic and perfect. We would be lucky to have her “ Miranda huffed.


“No Ben I’m fine, just leave it.” Miranda whined loudly.

Ben waited until she was done checking that patient and he grabbed her arm.

“Come with me.” Ben said urgently.

“No ,Benjamin I

“Do you want everyone in here to see me lift you up and throw you across my shoulder and carry you out of here or will you willing come with me. I’m fine with either.” Ben challenged raising his eyebrow.

“Fine.” Miranda said walking off and Ben followed her to the attending’s lounge and he shut the door.

“Miranda you are rolling over…you are quitting in the middle of the race and that is not okay.” Ben said sternly.

“You dam sure wouldn’t let me quit, nor Tuck or the kids.” Ben said and Miranda didn’t give him eye contact.

“What did you tell me on the phone. When Tuck wanted to already give up after just one basket ball practice.” Ben asked urgently and Miranda leaned her head to the side thinking. “He was ready to roll over and you wouldn’t let him, what did you tell him?”

“You made a commitment.” Miranda said lowly.

“And now who was the starting 5 at his game.”

“Tuck was” Miranda answered with a slight smile.

“Tuck was, you don’t quit, you don’t roll over and you dam sure don’t let nobody take your spot Miranda. Just like him, you were born to be the leader of your team.”

“Miranda Bailey, Who is a leader? Who is the chief in everything they do?” Ben coached.

“I am” Miranda answered softly.

“Who?” Ben asked.

“I am.” Miranda responded a little more firmly.

“I’m sorry I can’t hear you, you are what?”

“I am the chief!” Miranda yelled.

“That’s right now go in there and take your position. Walk in there like you have the job because you do Miranda.” Ben coached loudly.

Ben pulled Miranda into a tight hug and he kissed the top of her head.

“Thank you.” Miranda whispered.

“Always, now get dressed and I will see you later chief.” Ben smiled and Miranda smirked.

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