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Hi this is your new writer yashna matta !!

First of all ,
I am a new writer , I have less experience than manishika !! I know you all love her ! You all are reading her stories for more than a year , but due to some reasons , I guess you all must be knowing , she has left writing !! Now she is just a normal reader !!! I hope you all will accept me and my work whole heartedly !! 

And , update was given late because I had to read manishikas stories twice and thrice to understand her way of writing !!  I won't promise regular updates but three updates a week might be possible and convenient I guess !! 

Thank you
Yashna ❤️

Mera bhi aatm samman h !! जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें