3 Why Bees dont make Apartments

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Why bees dont make apartments

I was wondering about how science came about due to the persecution of heretics, who wanted only to point out things that their leaders were doing that were obviously wrong.

For this they were labeled as witches, which was something that was supposed to be evil by default, despite what they were actually doing in their communities.

For being witches, which is something they didnt label themselves, they were hunted, tortured and killed in very gruesome and public ways.

I think that science is what lead to democracy, which is simply the attempt of the government to listen to the people and respond to their needs, which by default of its operation requires experimentation. People would be seen as wards of themselves rather than of the state. The government will see them as children to be reared, not pupils to be punished.

The older form of government is like a form of dictatorship, where by office, and not by actual ability, the king would be more glorious than the commoners and royals cannot be advised.

But isnt science the act of listening to nature, learning from it, responding to nature, verifying and reproducing the results, including the people, which is a part of sociology?
Modern dictator is a throwback to a prescience form of government. It is a simpler, more barbaric way of life.

So how is science different in a dictatorship? No matter how much data is gathered, it would be impossible to advise leaders who did not do any of the science. Those leaders may not even understand the science, because they were not trained in science.

Until the leaders, who are of men, have their own problems, and have to learn their own set of things in life, see what the people are seeing, the country will suffer, since scientists cannot be leaders, and do science as effectively under more mammalian systems. Folks are forced to elect leaders who are not their family members under more mammalien systems, hence dictatorship, thus, confusions arise where it is harder to govern or implement science.

So I am recommending a pass for all the people who have at least a bachelors degree in a stem field except art will receive their first government clearance and will be considered state citizens. This means that artists would have to look into either media tech, journalism, or psychology for their clearance. Business and sales will be converted to applied sociology and ecology majors.

Science will still play a part, even in dictatorships, but it will be harder for them. Science will not advance as quickly, since dictatorships are not as free to explore, express, or repeat the results of science, which was the case during the medieval times.

So when do bees become scientists? All bees in hive A come directly from the same queen. They are likely to be more similar in thinking to the queen. In this way, they operate as a single entity. So if the queen was more scientific, then so would the hive be more scientific.

One method would be to combine entheogens with hormones for fear and aggression. It will get them to question their surroundings.

Method two would be a convertible house or something like a maze where they would have to learn how to navigate and use tools and try different things.

Method 3 would be compound eyes, which bees already have, this allows them to see each drone as a hive themselves. It could also mean that from birth to death, the queen is actually regulating how drones move, when they do certain things, and where they are with mathematical efficiency.

Such efficiency is lost as the ratio of girls to boys increases. A fourth method would be to keep females at a ratio of 10^-1 or more. In the case of modern beehives, the ratio is in millions.

So I was wondering if bees dont make apartments simply because its inefficient for them.

A mammal senator is a senator functionary for only 1/3 of the day. He spends the rest of the time going home to be with his wife and eat her food and bathe in her house and play with her children. A vespid senator will sleep in the senate chamber. The senate is their family.

Sometimes, a bee would go out to build a hive for just himself or just a few others, and live in the mountains, but this is always a losing strategy. The queen still understands why they did that.

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