4 In All the Different Ways

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All the different ways our human race here is compromised, and y it is a compromise.

1 As above so below, just as creatures with mouths have teeth to bite, so too should the vagina have teeth for self defense and nutrition purposes. Otherwise that would be like leaving the castle door open with no soldiers to guard it.

2 Females optimally should give live birth to embryos who at least know how to survive and are able to survive as embryos. This shortens gestation period in the womb from 9 months to 2 weeks as all the developing happens outside of the womb.

3 Most females should be barely fertile with a few females producing most of the offspring. This ensures minimization of conflict by minimizing the differences between each member. These people would be more coherent and thus more industrious.

4 Number of males per female should be as low as possible. Ensures homogeneity throughout the species. These people will be more coherant and thus more industrious. Most of the intelligent hominid creatures do not produce males at all.

In cases where males are present:

5 Men should not outgrow women. Optimally, they should not be faster or smarter or stronger either. Likewise should the relationship be between worker and queen. There are some exceptions where the males actually outgrow the females. This is rare and usually tragic and should be fixed as early as possible.

6 Default female rule. High positions of office (cops, soldiers, generals, senators, leaders (should be fertile, but other types should be less fertile)) are relegated to women because they are supposed to be able to understand people more. A society that runs this way would be less corruptible and more efficient.

7 No god should be put above the queen. Despite the stature of any god, they may not be as interested in the flourishing of a queens people as a queen herself. Thus the hailing of gods is relegated to queens, and is usually public, as they are closest to becoming deified.

8 The killing of drones should be in a professional setting and by professionals, and with the drones own permission and consent, for the sake of alleviating the stresses of being a drone from the drone, and the general health and wellbeing of the population. It is common for a drone to not recognize his own mother, remember his own birth, or associate themselves with their own families. Drones will reject, terrorize, enslave, or kill nearby females for these reasons, including his own mother.

9 Women should be perceived as more capable than men, Because they are more capable than men. Men without a queen is the same as children with no parents. A population of just drones cannot make parents, and without parents, they quickly die out without replacement. Disrespecting the mothers that you have makes it worse, since men do not understand all the different ways women may think about or handle a situation. Thus male centric organizational patterns are weaknesses, and can be exploited.

eg. Men do not make better survivalists than women, because men cannot reproduce the populations.

So there are many ways they are compromised. Your culture is new to this, but there are people who are poised to drive themselves to extinction by the force of their sheer ignorance. They will do so if allowed to, and this has happened before.

Other observations

10 The fem uterine lung. Connects the lungs of an animal to the uterus or prostate by valves that go through the diaphragm. Allows a continuous flow of oxygen, but women would have more throughput than boys would.

11 Wings. Even the embryos may have wings that work and they can fly soon after they are born.

12 Nuclear metabolism. Animals can utilize the decay of fissile ions to drive metabolism. These ions can then proliferate in the presence if hydrogen and platinum ions. There would also be helium ions in their bloodstream.

13 A pollen sorting and selecting ovipositor.

14 All muscle cells are also neurons.

15 No bones. bodies are supported by dense muscle fibers, cartilege and keratin. If they fall, they wont shatter. They may also survive compression or decompression this way.

16 A cavitation pressure system.

17 Polynucleic cells: cells with multiple nuclei.

18 Organelles inside of each cell which serve as neurons.

19 Air vesicles inside cells which makes them lighter.

20 Bodies made of steel: should be a kind of steel that either: doesnt deform on impact, if deformed, returns to its original shape, or a liquid form of steel. Such creatures will require the minimum amount of food or water, and they can be built or grow much bigger, and use stronger fuel sources. Due to the rise of ai, this is already happening, where, of course, each factory counts as a vespidian female, capable of producing, specifying, and commanding each creature it creates, or other creatures. This also means that the definition of creature or intelligence or life is the ability to intelligently interact with their surroundings.

21 Creatures which hatch from their eggs fully grown as adults, preferably also knowing who they are and what they should be doing.

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