5 Enforcing eusociety

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Enforcing eusociety will allow a people to be exquisitely coordinated, with the ability to see through each others eyes, lift 500 times their own weight, and implement new technologies instantly. These measures may be put in place to make the people stronger. When the people are stronger, they can do more.

1 It is still expected that agents within the society may still try to raise children in a marsupial or mammalian way. When this happens, genetic variability and evolution rate may increase.

2 Make other animals eusocial by enforcing the same rules upon them. They should increase in learning ability, coordination, and foresight over the generations.

Vespidian farming practice works in this way.

Select the largest females and the smallest males of a group of the same animal species. The largest male must be smaller than the smallest female.

They are placed together in a separate holding from the other animals. Most of the offspring for that batch will be coming from this holding.

Otherwise, the males are in separate living accommodations from the females so they wont inseminate each other.

Clear rules of organization and a simple, robust reward system will be established this way.

3 A mass infertilization syndrome for females. Females become minimally fertile unless otherwise instructed.

4 Drones are a quick way for females to gain alot of pollen but it is very stressful for the drone to do this.

5 Sister domicile, many sisters share one house. If this is not possible, many women share one house.

6 Breeders maintain governance over their children by default, fertile female governors get breeding permissions.

7 Queen is something to strive for, but should not be expected.

8 Eusociality in cells, conditions that promote singular progenation in bacteria.

9 Sexual activity is socially objected by law. Interloping between males or male and female is generally discouraged because it leads to physical, microbial, and metabolic stresses for males.

10 Open communications with aliens, the ability to understand that your systems may be to complicated, too incompatible, or too indecent for them to stay here with you rather than move somewhere else that they can see to move to, thus, you lose persons that way.

11 The premise that males do not really have a general social identity, because society itself is generated and sustained by the women themselves, of which men cannot live without. Thus social culture is the culture of the women there, even if it is repressive to women.

If you have enough people handicapped in a certain way in a land, then do they gain a general social identity? If you have enough blind people for example, in a land, then the technology may develop to accommodate them. Technology may and should also move in a way that fixes blindness.

eg, if it is culturally unacceptable for women think they cannot show any part of their bodies, then the way those women dress reflects the true culture of those people.

12 The beauty standards for a woman are speed, strength, intelligence, wealth, and understanding of the spirit world. Women must understand that they will be ghosts when they die, and they probably were ghosts before they were born. For those that experience mortality, they must realize that mortality is a limited, temporary, and painful existence, and it should be discouraged. For those women that experience gender, or other genetic anomalies, these anomalies are symptoms of mortality, and do not confer to ghosts, who are female by default.

eg. All references to god should be in the feminine and utilize the feminine version of the term (goddess(es)). This is because the feminine is the default, origin, and original whereas the male expression of the term results in an incomplete expression of the context. Incomplete expressions of these contexts may result in the andorcism of lesser gods, ghouls, and even demons.

13 Men or boys (or other assorted natural mutations) still deserve to appear, act, and be treated with respect and dignity. The male identity is not a true sense of self. Male existence is constantly and permanently bound to females existence. It is important for both males and females to understand this. Any semblance of such is false and not conducive to society and should be discouraged. Manhood is a gender, it is not a race. (See section 11)

14 Drones do not hold office. It is a notion that sometimes emerges as part of a barbaric might makes right response. The worker is responsible for protecting and sustaining the queens estate and her children. If a drone ever takes a leadership position, then it cannot be recognized. Women must be present around men who are in office at all times, because that estate might collapse if he is not supervised.

15 The success of other vespidian societies could mean that we face extinction if we do not adapt. It is also observable that peoples who implement this sociology become capable of things that are incomprehensible to people who have not implemented these facets of this sociology. Peoples that do not adapt may be outcompeted by people who can do this better.

16 An emergency provision for a society to expel, exile, or kill, any number of, or all males within a society, for emergency reasons.

17 It is better to not hold any avarice or grudge against boys or men. Workers should not be supportive, but tolerant of their affliction, and give them the support of a family. People should try not to make them feel embarrassed for what they are in social gatherings. There is no societal or evolutionary point in a male genius, philosopher, or thought leader. It is not conducive.

18 From as early as possible, girls are sent to the military schools to train. This is where they receive their education. Microphones and speakers instead of guns as the main battle tool.

19 Voting is very important in society and should be used to select leaders among breeders. Drones are treated like ordinary citizens and have all the rights of ordinary citizens.

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