14 | jealousy, jealousy

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s u m m e r l y n
b l a n e y

"Babe?" Theo calls out seconds before entering the motorhome. "I'm going out for drinks with the guys, you gonna be okay?" He asks placing a tender kiss on my cheek.

"Yeah, have fun. Kianna might be headed over here in a little bit." I smiled up at him. "Don't get too drunk."

"Never, alright I'll see you in a little bit."

As Theo leaves, I settle onto the couch putting a movie on, allowing my body to rest. Time passed before there was a near-silent knocking sound at the door. Tossing the blanket aside, I crawl off the couch expecting Kianna behind the door.

"Hey- Brexton?" I spat out. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I'm here to talk." He replied as straight as possible. I could see the shadow of a beer bottle in his grasp, he was not in the right mind to be discussing anything with me. I began to swing the door shut only for Brexton's foot to catch the door from closing. I stared straight into his eyes and saw nothing and against my better judgement, I caved...

"Fine, but make it quick." I said stepping out of the motor home.

"You know, I've been thinking a lot lately." He began pacing. "You wanna know why I wasted so much of my time focused on you? Because I took everything that I wanted from Theo, but the one thing I needed most that he has is you."

"I don't have time for this-"

"Shut up!" He raised his voice, words slurring out of his mouth, taking a step in my direction. "I had you and lost you to Theo. Now I have to watch Theo raise you up like one of his trophies everyday. I have everything you need! You should be with me! I'm going insane here!" He yelled, making my body tighten in pure fear.

"I left because you were not in the right state of mind and clearly you still aren't." I said putting my hand up stopping him from getting any closer to me. "You lost me a long time ago, it's never going to happen Brexton. I don't get why that's so hard for you to understand. Now if you'll excuse me-"

"Listen you bitch!" He said as I was about to turn my back to him. I see him raise his hand, his beer bottle flying towards me. I quickly ducked out of the way, hearing the glass shatter against the side of my motor home. "Why him?" Brexton asked becoming extremely emotional, almost to the point of tears.

"Because unlike you, Theo doesn't treat me like one of his trophies and shows me off only when it's convenient for him. You will never even come close to being half the man he is. You haven't changed a single bit Brexton. Stop making this more complicated than it needs to be. Let it go, it's been so many years. Your lucky I haven't even pressed charges on you for god sake. If you care about me, like you claim to say, leave me alone and just let me be happy. Taking it out on me on the track and off isn't helping you."

"You heard her, leave Brexton." Theo's voice walks up from behind me.

"You- You stole everything from me!"

"Correction, YOU stole everything from me. I had to start from the bottom again and build my way back up to where I am now. I worked my ass off to have everything I have now, you've never had to do that in your life. You call me pathetic? It's pathetic your a grown ass man, still obsessing over Summer. You're only making a fool out of yourself at this point." Theo's voice stated calmly but with so much strength. Theo starred down Brexton as he drunkingly stood there speechless. Something changed in Brexton's eyes and he left without getting the last word in.

Once upon a time Theo was completely and utterly destroyed and angered by Brexton's actions. Old Theo would've snapped at this point, beat the living lights out of Brexton, but it was all different now. Theo was a completely different man now. He was strong, confident in himself and would not take shit from anyone anymore.

He turns to me, worried fill his eyes as he looked down upon me like I was the most precious thing to him. His body weight shifted as he stepped closer to me bringing me into his embrace.

"Did he hurt you?" He whispered, clutching me even tighter.

"No, he didn't. I promise, I promise." I said. His body relaxed into mine, his grip slowly releasing. "How come you came back so early?"

"I don't know, I just had a feeling something was off-"

| next day |

"I don't like this." I mumbled hopping into the bed of the pick-up truck for driver introductions. Each step was hesitant as I made my way side by side with Brexton. I did not acknowledge his presence nor did he acknowledge mine, especially after what happened last night. I smiled and waved to the fans crowded in the stands as we went around the track.


"Don't even bother Brexton." I said.

After a lap around, the truck comes to a stop. As I hopped off leaving Brexton behind me and was met by Theo who was awaiting my arrival. I couldn't see but I knew Theo threw a nasty glare towards Brexton as we walked away hand-in-hand.

"I will see you on the track, good luck." Theo grinned, placing a kiss on my cheek.

"You too." I smiled.

"Smile off, game face." Jimmie said as soon as Theo walked away.

"Do you always have to be so negative and kill my vibe?"

"No, but its fun to tease you about it." Jimmie chuckled as pre race ceremonies started.

| final restart |

"Alright, set yourself up for a green, white, checkered. The 18 will be beside you, Theo behind you, 12 car behind the 18."

"This is starting to sound like a repeat of last week." I radioed back.

"Keep focused here and stay aware of what the 18 is doing." Jimmie replied. I keep my focus ahead as we came out of turn four to the green flag. I jumped at the first opportunity on the restart, jumping ahead of Brexton coming into turn one.

"Brexton got loose, scraped the wall and losing ground. Theo two car lengths behind, 12 car fighting with him." My spotter radioed. "Coming up to lap traffic in turn four."

"One more lap Sum." Jimmie came through. "Keep it clean now."

"Bring it home Blaney, hell yeah baby!" The radio exploded with cheers as I crossed the finish line, taking the checkered flag. "Burn it down! Woo!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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