10 | water under the bridge

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s u m m e r l y n
b l a n e y

"Help has arrived." Noah jumps out of his car. "I swear, you just come up with excuses so I come over to see you." He rolls his eyes as he approached.

"In your dreams." I replied. "Need my oil changed, it's bad-"

"You're a damn race car driver and you don't know how to change your oil? Unbelievable."

"Well, I'm sorry. I've always have had someone to do it for me, and I can't necessarily drive anywhere with bad oil." I crossed my arms. Noah rolled his eyes, walking into my garage and grabbing eveything he needed.

"You owe me-" Noah stops in his tracks, completely freezing, looking at something in the distance. "Holy shit-"

"What the hell are you fussing abo-" I turned around seeing what he was seeing. "Oh, I see now."

"Didn't realize you were my new neighbor Summer." Brexton comments walking up the driveway.

"How did you not know he was your neighbor?" Noah whispered.

"I'm like never here?" I panicked.

"Well, isn't this a surprise." Brexton walks up, hands in his pockets making him seem not as confident as before. I knew Brexton Busch, and the Brexton standing in front of me was not the same one. "Just thought I'd welcome you to the neighborhood."

"Why are you being so nice?" Noah asked suspiciously questions, taking a large step forward.

"I've been really working on myself and doing self reflection, and I'm not happy with who I am right now. I'm holding myself back from happiness because I'm so caught up in trying to be better than you guys and trying to make you guys pay for something that was my fault."

"Who are you?" I blurted out.

"I know it's not the Brexton your used to. And I especially wanted to apologize to Summer for everything I've done-" Brexton looked nervously at me as Noah started him down with skepticism. "I don't expect to be forgiven, but yeah, just wanted to get that off my chest. I'll leave you guys to it. See you later."

"What the fuck was that?" Noah leaned towards me.

"Brexton Busch just said sorry? In what universe does that happen in? He has to be high on something."

"I have a theory-"

"Not one of your stupid theories-"

"He's trying to gain your trust again now that you and Murphy are done."

"Even if he is? I'd never get back with Brexton." I rolled my eyes. "Now change my fuckin' oil, I ain't got all day." I say as Noah shot a disapproving glance my way. "Please?"

"Your lucky I love you now."

"Cause god knows how life would be if you didn't still." I rolled my eyes.

"Single life has made you sassy Blaney, very sassy." Noah shook his finger before opening the car hood.

"And fatherhood has made you less manly, and more of a softy."

"Ain't nothing wrong with a little pink." Noah says unashamed. He went into finishing up my oil change, before cleaning everything up and placing it in the garage. "Oil change completed, now where is my money?"

"What money? Isn't there a sister discount?"

"You wish." He snickered. "Hey, while I'm here- can I ask you something?"

"Yea, let's go inside though." I motioned, feeling the summer heat beating down on us, walking in through my garage. Noah takes a seat at my breakfast nook, as I retrieved two refreshing glasses of water for the both of us. "Here you go, what's up?" I asked taking a seat.

"This is gonna sound like a weird question, but has mom been acting different? Or have you noticed anything strange?"

"Uhm other than her fall the other week, I really haven't seen anything out of the ordinary." I shrugged taking a sip. "Why have you?"

"Yeah, and I don't know. My gut is feeling me there is something off and Jordyn has noticed it too."

"I'd just leave it for now Noah. If there was something truly wrong, mom would be completely honest with us. She's not one to hide things like that from us." I tried to reassure Noah, Noah's worried expression softened as he comprehended everything I had said.

"Yeah, you're right I guess."

"I always am. You and dad worry too much. But just focus on your life, but that doesn't mean quit looking out for her. On the slight chance something is off, we can be there to help if we keep a close eye on her. Don't let this whole thing consume your mind."

"When did you get all philosophical?"

"Therapy does wonders my brother."

"How is all that going?"

"It's going the best I can be." I shrugged, taking a deep breath. "It's hard moving on, especially when you are grasping on to the little hope you had left that something will go back to the way it was. I can't expect Theo to forgive me straight away, it's not fair to him or me."

"Do you guys think you'll figure it out eventually?"

"Maybe? I just think it was a case of the right person, wrong time. I mean we did get married pretty quickly and I wasn't the best version of myself for him these last couple years."

"Well if it means anything to you, I think you guys will find a way."

Good Years | Ryan Blaney Book 7Where stories live. Discover now