prologue | long way down

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s u m m e r l y n
b l a n e y - m u r p h y

We all know our time on this earth was limited. We are never fully prepared to lose anybody in our lives. No matter how much you prepare yourself, you're truly never ready. But what happens when this disaster strikes unexpectedly?

"The blood clot in the brain is what initially caused the stroke, and the damage we've seen has been quite extensive. We won't know anything more until she wakes up, and then we will reassess the brain damage."

Dad walked out of the room with the doctor, still having so many unanswered questions. Noah, Jordyn, Briella, and I all sat there in the hospital room clueless about what the future was going to bring.

"Is now a good time to call Uncle Chase?" Jordyn asks.

"Uncle Chase should've been the first one to know, but who knows god damn why dad is keeping this a secret. He kept this a secret from all of us-"

"Deep breath Noah," I said, sensing he was about to blow. "We can discuss this with dad later, right now we need to focus on-" My attention was brought elsewhere as Theo's name lit up across my screen. I quietly leave the room as Noah and Jordyn were discussing what's the next step. "Hey, babe." Theo's calm, and soothing voice filled my ear. His voice was what I needed at a time like this.

"Hey baby, I'll be home late tonight, we're not going to take off until this storm passes through. How's she doing?"

"Not good, we won't know anything until she wakes up or if she wakes up."

"Alright, Kianna, and I will take the next flight out as soon as the storm calms down." Theo's voice crackled through the line. "You call if you need me or anything happens, okay?"

"Okay." My voice cracked.

"I love you so much babe, I'll be there soon."

"I love you too."

I hang up the phone, and walked back into the hospital room, with a lost and empty feeling taking over my body.

"I'm fucking calling Uncle Chase, this is fucking ridiculous-" Noah stated, but stopped as soon as the door slid open revealing Uncle Chase and dad, both with a distraught look washed over their faces. "I can't believe you'd keep something like this from us first off. We're not fucking kids anymore-"

"Noah, we know," Dad said, calmly putting his hand up.

"How are you being so calm about this dad?" I questioned, uncomfortably crossing my arms against my chest.

"You kids should sit down for this." Uncle Chase cleared his throat.

Whatever we were about to be told, it wasn't going to be good, it was going to be life changing and not the good kind...

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