Sparks fly

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I head back downstairs, clutching the bannister to steady me. Cartman and Butters have rejoined Kyle and they're laughing about something or other. Jimmy is still with the girl from earlier, goofy grin upon his face. Braces did good for him.
"Hey Cartman, where did you go? I thought you were upstairs but..." I trail off
"Heidi and I went out front and sat on the porch to talk in private. She wants me to stay after the party and we're officially back on" he says triumphantly.
"Wow that's great. Hey did you know Kenny and Shelly Marsh were a thing? I just heard them getting off together in Heidis room" I say breezily, as if it's just gossip that doesn't bother me.
They both look horrified.
"I mean I'm sure they didn't do much, if you're worried about staying in Heidis room tonight" I add, trying to cut the tension with a bad joke.
"That's totally fucked up man" says Kyle, still mortified
"Yeah that's weak" agrees Cartman gravely. Something they finally agree on. If they didn't both look so aghast it would feel like more of a victory.
"She's like all of our big sister, we literally grew up together and she's known us since we were in kindergarten. How can he even go there?" Kyle asks, shuddering at the thought.
"Yeah dude, she was my babysitter for a while" Cartman says, shaking his head
"I even bought tampons for her once!" adds Butters, unhelpfully.

Kyles POV:
I can't believe what I'm hearing. I've spent the night avoiding Stan, drinking to block out the thought of him taking a girl home with him. But now a mixture of the booze and this newfound discovery makes me march towards him and his friends with ease.
"Can we talk for a sec?" I ask, trying to sound cool.
"Sure" he says, surprised. We walk round the side of the house, away from the noise and the people. After the constant thudding of music, it feels too quiet. I dance from foot to foot nervously, worried he can hear my heartbeat.
"Y/N just saw Kenny making out with Shelly" I say, once again recoiling at the thought.
I pause, dazed.
"So?!" I echo, all I can manage. I had not anticipated this response.
"She has her own life, why would I care what they do?" He asks, annoyed at being dragged away from his friends for this.
"Seriously? What happened to you? You used to be cool" I blurt out.
"Me? I'm not the one who ignored my calls and stopped hanging out with me. You think you're too good for me?" He asks, taking a step towards me. His voice is angry but tinged with the sting of rejection.
"It wasn't like that" I say, cheeks burning.
"Yeah? Then what was it like? Because from where I'm standing you couldn't stand to be around me and tonight you won't even look at me, like you're so high and mighty. You're stuck up, just like your dad" he slurs, waves of rage crashing in his ocean blue eyes.
The alcohol is bringing out the worst in both of us, we're too brave, too pressurised.
"No I- I didn't know you saw it like that. Man I'm sorry I made you feel that way" I say, swallowing my pride and trying to diffuse the situation.
"You didn't make me feel shit all" he snaps, then shoves me hard. My shoulder grazes the wall. It doesn't hurt, I'm just taken aback that he would put his hands on me.
"You wanna know the truth?" I manage to choke out bitterly, mouth working faster than my brain "I started having...feelings for you. And it confused me and I needed space to get over it. It was just a silly crush because we were spending so much time together" I ramble "but that's long dead, obviously. I don't know what I saw in you in the first place. Why would anyone be into you? You're a bully and you're a drunk, just like your dad" I finish, already regretting it.
"Maybe it is for the best if you stay out of my way" he says darkly, striding off into the night, leaving me with a sore shoulder and a sore heart, clutching a plastic cup.

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