Chapter 7: Happy Birthday?

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*Victoria's pov*

I woke, groaning at how early I had woken myself up. Part of it was from the extreme hangover I'm currently experiencing. I swear I'm never doing shots again. Ever.

I sat up in bed and adjusted to my surroundings. I took a quick glance at the clock and it read 3:40 am. Great! In 20 minutes it'll be just like any other year to remind me that I don't have parents and Jules and Andy weren't planning to adopt me anytime soon.

I got out of bed and realised that the clothes laying on the floor weren't mine. I furrow my brows trying to remember last night, What the hell did I do last night? Better question who did I do last night?

Oh Fuck!

Shit, shit, shit alright get yourself together Victoria, I whispered to myself as last nights antics started to come back to me. Sure they were a bit blurry. Probably from the tequila, but they were still there.

Peering over to the other side of my bed, laying there was last nights...happenings. I moved myself over to my partly unpacked bag and chucked on a sweatshirt, bike shorts and tied up the laces to my joggers that were now on my feet. I grabbed my phone and the two small parcels I promised Andy I would open on my birthday. I made my way to the north area of the large building and up the stairs to the roof.

Wow, I thought to myself. The view from up here is amazing. I walked over to the edge and sat down, my legs dangling under the slight railing that was there.

3:50am, ok ten minutes until my birthday. I opened up my phone and started scrolling through my games. 

8 minutes now. I let out a sigh remembering the last birthday I had with my mum before she died.

We decided to buy some fireworks, party poppers and snacks, then exactly 20 minutes before my birthday we would climb up onto the roof and set up the fireworks. It was amazing. A minute left, and that's when the count down started, I would always get so excited and jump up & down screaming, clapping you name it I was probably doing it. 

A tear trickled down my face as I remembered one of the very few memories I had left with my mum. 

1 minute to go, I can do this it's just another year nothing special. 30 seconds left, I have to admit it is less exciting without the fireworks and company but I didn't mind the quiet. It was comforting. 15 seconds, I looked over at the two parcels that were sitting beside me on the ledge, one was flat and rectangular the other a little bulkier.

10 seconds, 18 wow that's big. 5.....4......3.....2.....1.

'Happy 18th birthday to me' I whispered to myself.

Sad? Yes, but what can an 18 year old foster kid do now that they legally had no one to look out for them? Anyways I leaned over and picked up the slightly bulkier present first, slowly unwrapping it revealing a square box with a note that read:

Our Little Secret....sTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang