Blackmail Attempt ||Frank O'Sullivan x nonbinary reader|| [B99]

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Tw: attempted blackmail

You had been working hard, and long with Holt on the reform case. You put hours of research into the way different structures effected different cultures in society, and had decided to take criminology, and cultural studies on the side in attempt to better learn multiple sides; your one goal had always been to make this city a safer place.

Today, however, you were taking a well-deserved day off, and had just walked out of a shop with your favorite drink in hand, and  a pastry when you were approached by an older man.

You immediately recognized him as O'Sullivan. You and Holt had been working against him, since he didn't think the cops could do anything wrong.

"Frank." You muttered, trying the bare minimum to be polite.

"Y/n, I must speak with you." He said.

You glowered at him. What now?

"If you don't stop working on this reform, I will release proof that you are trans."

You raised your eyebrow, and looked down at your shirt that had graphic of a dragon with the non-binary flag colors on it, then looked back up at him. "I already came out."

"Oh this is ridiculous! It's impossible to blackmail anyone isn't it?" He growled in annoyance, before sulking off.

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