Valentine's Day [Multifandom]

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What they do for Valentine's Day

Fandoms included (in order): Marvel, Hannibal, Sherlock, Brooklyn 99

I excluded some characters since it's a relatively long chapter, but I'd be willing to write a part 2 if anyone wants.


You wake up without him typical.
Dragging yourself out of bed, you walk into the living room and are surprised to see a giant stuffed animal taking up all the space.
"Oh my—"
It is unmistakably yours; it has a folded note pinned to it with your name in big, bold letters.
You pick it up and it reads: "had to work, sorry, I'll make it up to you tonight ;)"
You sigh, you go get some blueberries and take them down to his lab for him.
"Thanks baby, we'll celebrate once I'm done with this."
You go occupy yourself for most of the day before you hear JARVIS.
"Mr/ms/mx (anything else you prefer) l/n, mr. stark requests you change into something formal."
"Alright. Thanks JARVIS." You say, before heading to your shared room with Tony. You had your own walk-in closet where you searched for something to wear before finally settling on the perfect outfit.
Tony is waiting for you once you're finally out, and already dressed up.
He smirked when he saw you, and snaked an arm around your waist.
"You should wear that more often." He said, kissing your neck, "let's go."
He drove you to a fancy restaurant, the two of you spent most of the night out doing literally any activity Tony could think of.

You woke up to Steve gently waking you up. He brought you coffee, roses, and breakfast. You spent the morning sitting in bed eating and talking, before he took you into town. You walked around, and ended up shopping a little. You had lunch at a little cafe, before he took you to see a movie. Afterwards, he took you dancing, and ended up carrying you part of the way home, you were so tired.
You both ended up having a small dinner, and you ended up falling asleep on his chest while watching a movie (again, because he's trying really hard to catch up).

Peter Parker
You woke up to the sound of your alarm.
You rolled over tiredly to turn it off, groaning. You rubbed your eyes before getting up and getting ready for school.
You made a beeline for your locker once you got there, since you had some things for a project you didn't want to be carrying around all day.
Peter was already there, holding a book and waiting for you. He smiled once he saw you.
"Hey Pete."
"H-hey y/n. I, uh...I got you this." He handed you the book.
You felt your hear race. "Peter, this...this is my favorite book."
He smiled. "I know. While I was doing my internship with Mr. Stark, I saw that he had a signed copy, and though you should have it."
"Wow Pete, thank you, this means a lot."
He blushed a little. "It's no problem. Um, I—I'll see you in class."
"See you in class." You looked down at the book, and opened the front cover. As promised, you saw the top half of what appeared to be the author's signature, but the rest was covered up by a folded up piece of notebook paper. You took out the piece of paper, and unfolded it.
Y/n, I've...well, I've liked you for a while now. You're my best friend and you're really funny and smart, and I'd like it if you came to Delmar's with me during lunch. For a date. It's okay if you don't want to, I'd like to still be friends if you say no. I mean, I understand if you don't want to be, too, but we could work something out. Sorry this letter's a bit longer than I intended. If it's a yes, meet me by the front office right before lunch. If it's a no, have a happy Valentine's Day —Peter ❤️

His understanding of Valentine's Day comes from all the "stereotypical" interpretations of it, so he goes all out.
He woke you up with an enormous breakfast and coffee prepared. While you were eating, he presented you with a heart-shaped box of chocolates, flowers, and several stuffed animals.
He took you to Asgard for a little while to sightsee with you—mostly because he knew you'd seen more of New York than of Asgard, so he could impress you with the sights of Asgard easier.
The two of you spent the rest of the day on Asgard. You ate like royalty (yes, you were also treated like royalty most of the day), before the two of you spent the night in the castle.

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