Writing something every day until Christmas #2 ||Will Graham x gender neutral||

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You had the day off work.

Actually, both of you technically had the day off, but Will had been called in to a crime scene last minute, leaving you at home with the dogs all day.

It was slightly later than Will usually got home, when you heard the car drive up, and stop in front of the house. Several dogs jumped up at the sound, and ran to the door, their tails wagging at the promise of their dad coming home.

You usually took them on walks when you had them, but the snow on the ground was fresh, and you didn't particularly feel like it. You obviously let them out during the day, but they still felt cooped up, and were ready for any excuse to get outside again.

A few of the dogs only got up when they saw you get up, and go to the front door—now understanding that you would let them out.

They fought to get out as soon as you opened the door, running full speed at Will who was just getting out of his car. You stepped out onto the porch with a coat wrapped tightly around you.

Will greeted the dogs by patting them, before they ran off into the yard to play and do their business. Will then reached inside the car, picking a bundle up, holding it close to him, and carrying it towards the porch.

You tilted your head.

"What's that?"

"I got you a Christmas present." Will said, smiling softly at you. "Hold out your arms."

"Um, shouldn't you wait until Christmas?"

"I'm giving it to you now. Hold out your arms."

"Alright." You held out your arms, only to be handed a puppy that Will had wrapped up under a blanket. As soon as it saw you, it started wagging and licking.

Will smiled at the sight. "The family wasn't able to keep him, and Crawford said I would be allowed to bring him home. He'll need some shots in the future, but he's fine for now."

"I—thank you. Thank you so much."

"I love you." He says, kissing your cheek. "Now go back inside where it's warm, I'll take care of the dogs."

"That sounds good. I love you too."

"Oh, and y/n?"


"You get to name him."

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