Snow ||Remus Lupin||

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The Gryffindor common room was quiet for once—with most of the students outside messing around in the snow that had come early this year. Your boyfriend, Remus, was one of the few students who had decided to stay inside. You found him curled up in a chair reading a book, with a blanket wrapped snuggly around him. 

"Rough night?" You ask sympathetically, making your way over to him. You weren't able to accompany him on those nights, not yet anyway. You would become an Animagus, but your sibling had tried, and came out with terrible results. 

Remus simply sighed, and closed his book. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" You ask, taking his hand, and giving it a gentle squeeze. 

"Nothing, I'm just tired." He both of your entwined hands up to his forehead, and pressed his head up against the back of your hand. 

You hummed, letting go of his hand to rub his forehead slightly. He grabbed your wrist. 

"I'm having a hard time sleeping," he explained.

You nod, before pointing out: "you usually do around this time."

He nods, still pressing his forehead against your hand. "I just hear so many sounds. The other night I couldn't sleep because I heard someone coughing. I don't know where, but I know it wasn't close since no one else heard it."

"I'm sorry, how about I go down to the kitchen, and get us some cocoa?"

"Yes, thank you."

You smile, kissing his forehead, "no problem love."

Once you got back from getting cocoa, Remus was reading again. He looked up once he heard you close the door behind you, and smiled. 

"You're the best boyfriend."

"I just treat you better than your melatonin."

He chuckled, "and you're a nerd."

"You like that." You stated, handing him his cocoa.

"I know." 

You sat down next to him, and he shifted so that he was leaning against you as he read. You wrapped an arm around him, and let your thoughts wander, occasionally looking down at what Remus was reading, and scanning a few paragraphs here and there. Though at one point, you noticed the text seemed familiar, and you realized he hadn't turned the page in a while.

"Remus?" You whispered. "Remus?" After no reply, you confirmed he was asleep. You took the book from his lap, and put it by the empty cocoa mugs. You carefully readjusted him so that he was laying on your chest.

You ran your fingers through his soft hair, and closed your eyes as you listened to the crackling of the fireplace, before eventually falling asleep to the quiet noises, and radiating warmth. 


James, Sirius and Peter stumbled into the common room, laughing. Their hair and clothes and hair were covered in snow.

"Oh! Guy, quiet!" Sirius whisper-shouted at the James and Peter.

"Yeah, Peter, quiet." James said, nudging Peter.

"Guys, really." Sirius whispered, pointing at Remus and y/n, Remus laying on his chest.

"Aww. Our two lovebirds." James whispered.

"Gay." Sirius whispered back.

"We should take a picture, or draw them."

"Or stand here until they wake up."

"If you do any of that, y/n will kill you." Peter piped in (Peter had always been a little scared of y/n).

"Nah, we'll be fine. We just gotta let Remus sleep. We can mess with y/n all we want."

"James, don't." Peter insisted.

James sighed. "Fine, but you're no fun."

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