Winter Preferences [Harry Potter]

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How you spend the winter time with different Harry Potter characters

Ron Weasley
-him being embarrassed about you receiving a Weasley jumper
-trying to intercept said jumper, but failing
-him really loving the snow & will want you to go outside with him
-snow angels, snowball fights, building snowmen, etc.

Draco Malfoy
-him getting you lavish gifts
-you probably feeling insecure about whatever you get him because you probably had to spend less (especially when you see what everyone else has gotten him), but him loving your gift the most because you put the most thought into it
-him warming you up whenever you get cold
-wraps you up in his scarf

Ginny Weasley
-she's very good at gift giving
-makes sure you get the softest jumper
-you helping her warm up by the fire after her Quidditch matches
Building snowmen and other snow creatures

Harry Potter
-being able to spoil him with gifts
-the two of you shopping in Hogsmeade and returning with many goods
-him starting a snowball fight while the two of you are walking back to Hogwarts
-wanting to make something that's not just a snowmen, but not exactly succeeding

Hermione Granger
-trying to convince her to come outside and stop studying
-gets you some books she thinks you'll like
-when you can get her outside, you throw a snowball at her, she pretends to be mad and throws one back out of revenge which starts a fight, but really, she enjoyed it

Neville Longbottom
-needing to reassure him you like his gift
-cuddling by the fire (yes, even if it's okay platonic), he has his head in your lap
-building mini snowmen

Fred & George Weasley
-you already know they're a package deal when it comes to the winter holidays
-buying prank gifts for other people with them
-probably trying to intercept owl to jinx gifts people already got someone else

Tom Riddle
-the both of you are at Hogwarts because he doesn't like going back to the orphanage
-the two of you papering each other with gifts
-taking walks to Hogsmeade

Luna Lovegood
-takes you for walks in the snow
-if there's snow falling, she always looks up to watch it, and you need to make sure she doesn't run into anything or anyone
-taking the time off classes as an excuse to explore the castle
-exploring in general
-she enjoys warm drinks, especially when you make her tea

Sirius Black
Marauder Era:
-snowball fights
-the two of you spend a whole day wandering around Hogsmeade & he eventually gets the to of you butterbeer
-finding small, hidden shops you end up shopping at
-barely making it back to Hogwarts in time
-both of your cheeks are rosy from the cold
-is cooped up, and can't really go outside a lot
-ends up cuddling with you a lot by the fireplace
-he shifts into his Animagus form & you take him for a walk
-happily runs around & will probably try to knock you down (playfully)
-happy there aren't any ticks or fleas

Remus Lupin
Marauder Era:
-him wanting to read instead of joining the snowball fights
--you either trying to drag him out, or helping him hide so the two of you can read together
-him bringing you hot chocolate, you taking him out for butterbeer
-books as gifts
-still bring you hot chocolate
-the two of you sit by the fire and he reads to you
-walks outside in the snow

James Potter
Marauder Era:
-snowball fights
-him taking you out for butterbeer
-the two of you end up staying at Hogsmeade after curfew and sneak in
-McGonagall catches you, but gives you light punishments
-oh honey
-u good?
-takes you dancing in the snow
-you end up spinning until you can't stand anymore
-the two of you end up making snow angels together
-would want to go sledding
-the two of you end up going for hot chocolate (or butterbeer) because you are covered in snow

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