Intro: Harry Styles Life

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Harry Edward Styles is a 21 year old that still manages to behave like a teenager at least in front of his friends. In front of his friends he's reckless, out of control, and the life of the party. But the real Harry Styles is hidden to everyone he knows, everyone except his sister Gemma Styles. Gemma and Harry have always been close and the best of friends. She knows him like the back of her hand, she knows he cuts himself, she knows how he drinks and does drugs to drown out the nightmares of their so called "father" beating him as a child and teenager.
      She is always the one to show up at any time to look after him when he's hung over, she's the one that's driven him to the hospital the 4 times he's tried to kill himself. Harry styles thinks he's to broken and too fucked up for anyone to actually give a shit about him. But a certain blue - eyed, 24 year old guy named Louis William Tomlinson steps in and turns his world upside down. How will he change Harry's life? For the better or for the worst?

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