Louis Tomlinson

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Louis Tomlinson is a 24 year old guy. He's short, has blue eyes and is probably the sassiest person on earth. He has his own demons like everyone else but he tries to not let them show or hold him down. Since his mother's death he has been set on making sure everyone around him feels loved, protected and that they know they mean the world to him. He is a short king and loves to party. Not as much as Harry tho. Louis is life was becoming routine. Wake up go to work, come back home, eat, party, sleep, hangover in the morning and go to work again. Louis has always been sure about who he is and never cares when people judge him. But when he meets a certain green-eyes boy he becomes as insecure as a girl in high school. He has a messy past and and even messier present but it's his future he has no idea what's about to happen. So let's follow this Short King and his pretty Princess on their love story.

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