Chapter 3

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Harry's POV
I sigh in relief then realize 'Mr.Tomlinson' is still there. My cheeks instantly flush. "I-I um, thank you Mr. Tomlinson." I stutter out to Mr. Tomlinson. And he smirks yet again. I swear this man is on a mission to kill me without doing much.
        "No problem love. And call me Louis please." He says smiling at me. He sits back down, I nod, and go behind the bar. As more people show up at the bar I am serving drinks like crazy. I actually managed to not trip or fall during the whole time. It's already like 5 pm and Louis is still here. Everywhere I move I feel his eyes on me. I agreed to stay longer since it got busy. And secretly to see Louis but nobody knows that.
         I spend my time making drinks and occasionally wiping tables. By 6:30 pm I am exhausted. "Haz! Replacements here! Finnish the drinks and clock out!" Levi yells from his office. "Kay!" I yell back. I start finishing drinks and tabs. Soon I'm getting my stuff and clock out then Mr. Tomlinson calls me over. I walk to the other side of the bar where the clients sit. "Hey love. Where you off to?" He asks looking up at me. "I'm heading home. I'm done with work." I say without stuttering and I mentally high five myself. "Alright." He says and bites his lip and stares at my lips. "Well. If your not doing anything or just wanna.. "hang out"" he says taking out a business card and handing it to me. "Call me." He says sanding up and leaning up to my ear to whisper.
"I hope you call princess or I'll miss you very much and I don't like to wait." He says and I freeze in my spot. Is this really happening?? Is this real?! Omg!!! A hot guy wants me! I swear I'm gonna pass out!! I managed to stutter out a response. "O-okay. I w-will." I whisper. He smiles and gives me kiss on my cheek and close to my lips. "Good. I'll talk to you later princess."he says and walks backwards towards the door. "I'll be waiting love." He says kinda yelling and I blush deeply. I shuffle myself out of there after the shock has worn out a bit. I start my walk home and on my walk I think about everything that happened today.

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