Touka - 2nd End

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Hey, everyone! This is the second ending to this story. This is a happy ending, so be prepared for fluff. Anyway, I hope you enjoy. This is jumping back to where Touka is being attacked by Doves. It's split into two parts, with a potential second book here. I'm not sure how it will go.

Love you!



I stared at them. They didn't seem to care about my speed status. They didn't seem to care about my screaming and my yelling. What they did care about was me fighting back. Something I wouldn't have done unless I saw Kaneki dashing up the road.

I gave a sigh of relief as I saw his kagune spearing them; saving my life. I fell to my knees in front of him. "God, where were you?!" He grabbed my shoulders as he knelt in front of me. I tangled my hands in his hair and hugged him tightly. I didn't ever want to let go. I didn't want him to see my tears; he would think I was weak.

I didn't know why I was crying, not really. We stood up, still attached, and we held hands as we dashed madly towards the hotel the others had promised to meet us in.

"I thought you wanted to keep fighting."

"So did I. Until... I don't know. Something just clicked, you know? I had to get back to you. I had to know you were safe." He whispered. "Something just felt so wrong when you were walking away. I didn't know what to do." Silent tears were streaming down his face.
"I'm sorry," I apologised to him.

"What for?" He asked.

"For making you come back to me. All you wanted to do was fight but.."

"I'm fighting for you, Touka. I'm fighting only for you. When you're safe - I'll stop."

"Are we safe?"

"I haven't figured it out yet." He whispered softly, pressing a soft kiss to my temple. I leaned into his touch.


The shower was delightful. Absolutely beautiful. The water ran black and red with blood, and then it became clear as my damaged skin slowly healed. The stinging pain was incredible; but I didn't care. I only wanted to get clean.

I heard the door sliding open, and then Kaneki was beside me. We traded spots in the water. Standing beside him in the shower was hard, and I was trying not to do anything inappropriate. He seemed pretty calm at the moment. I refused to let my eyes travel past his chest, but he wasn't shy.

"Every time I see you naked I think about how sexy you are." He said. I blinked slowly.

"You've only seen me naked once."

"Twice. I peeked." He smiled sheepishly. "You were just so... close." The water was rushing over his chest, yet I refused to follow the teasing watery trail. "I love you," he said out of the blue. "I really do." He whispered, his hand threading through my hair as he tilted my head back. I smiled at him as he kissed me. His tongue was dancing on my lips as he pulled me closer, flicking off the shower head and grinning as he lifted me out of the shower.

He slowly wrapped a towel around my body, but then he picked me up and kissed my neck tentatively. I moaned lowly as he sucked. "K-Kaneki!" I gasped as he slid into me. He was gentle at first, but my constant moaning and almost-screams were not making it easy on him to hold control. His thrusts gained speed, and I was a mess underneath him.


The next morning was the best morning of my life. Breakfast in bed. But truthfully; it was the morning kiss. "All because we had sex?" I asked as I gestured to the incredibly delicious looking flesh in front of me. Kaneki had managed to eradicate the smell that he hated so badly, so he joined in on my feast of flesh and coffee.
"Hmm.." He contemplated. "All because I love you." He answered as he pulled the tray up and pushed it to the side. He climbed on top of me, planting a kiss on my lips. I leaned into him, deepening the kiss. Our tongues swirled around each other playfully, but eventually he won. His tongue slid past mine, sending tingles down my spine, and he explored. I sucked his tongue softly as it felt the ridges on the roof of my mouth, and then backwards along my teeth.

Eventually, breathing became an issue. We had to pull back, but where I was panting heavily, Kaneki was just panting. He didn't seem as affected by the loss of oxygen. "Do you hold your breath a lot or are you just a freak?"

"I'm just a freak. It's how I kill people. Lure them in with incredible charm, and irresistible seduction methods. Then, you kiss them until they die."

"Mmm... Kissing you would most definitely be a good way to go."

"You're such a suck up." He laughed as he kissed my cheek.

"You love it." I teased.

"Of course." He sniggered. He twisted, flopping down beside me. "Hey, Touka?" He started, but then he paused.

"Yeah?" I urged him on. He was intriguing me. I smiled helplessly as he grinned at me. "Nothing." He sighed. I nudged him.
"Kaneki..." I said, drawing out his name. He sighed, giving in.

"I was thinking about how sad it would be if I hadn't of come to get you. If I really had turned around and left you."

"I would've died." I said simply. "I would've died and come back to haunt your dumb ass."

"Love you too." He murmured as he sat. His skin seemed too smooth, too perfect. I ran my hand over the soft flesh of his inner arm. He shuddered as I moved across his ribs, around his chest, and then up to his collarbone. I moved on to his lap.

"I do love you. I want to be with you, forever and ever."

"That's a long time."

"You know; when I die, you're only getting my stuff."

"More things to remember you by." He laughed as he nuzzled into my neck. "I'll take your room, too."

"No, no. That goes to Hinami. She can't stay in the weird room she has now. Plus, she likes how it smells apparently."

"Does she?" He laughed. "She is such a strange girl." He kissed my neck, the action sending shivers through my spine.

"Kaneki..." I whispered. "Do you think the Doves will come back?" I asked.

"No." He smiled at me. "Let's not worry about it for now, hey?"

"Okay." He grinned at my response.

"Hey, Touka?"

"Hey, Kaneki?" I responded playfully.

"I really do love you, you know."

I paused, only for a second. "Yeah, I know. I love you too." There was only a second of pause as the rain began to ting against the tin roof. I sighed, curled up next to Kaneki, and slept. I slept the entire day away as Kaneki spoke in hushed tones. It was romantic, fun, and it was, all in all, his way of showing his love.

And I loved it.

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