Chapter Nineteen: Crescendo

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Suguru paces around the small hotel room, occasionally stealing a glance at the sleeping kids. Mimiko and Nanako are both sprawled out like two little starfish on a bed while Megumi is curled into a tight ball at the corner with a blanket draped loosely over him; Suguru can just make out the black mop of hair peeking out.

The tight feeling in his chest loosens up slightly, seeing all three kids safe and sound.

Of course, all three of them had been terrified after the whole mess that Gojou dragged them through. Mimiko and Nanako had been extremely vocal about wanting to go back home, wanting to be comforted. The two of them had been crying, clutching their plushies as they begged to see their ‘Uncle Yaga’ again. Megumi, on the other hand, had grown even more quiet and sullen as he clung to Suguru like a second shadow- refusing to even let go of his hand.

For Suguru, though, he’s still feeling that earlier fear and worry as it eats at his heart. What had happened to Gojou for him to even react like that?

Sure, finding out that Toji had a kid is jarring and it took Suguru a while to be fully comfortable, but reacting the way Gojou did was out of character even for someone as impulsive as him.

Hearing Gojou label Suguru as an enemy certainly doesn’t make him feel better either. Confusion has long since bit deep into his core and festers away, leaving Suguru with nothing more than endless questions and a migraine.

All of his calls and texts to his husband go unanswered. Thus, repeating the nasty cycle of Suguru’s worry, fear and confusion. And as much as Suguru wants nothing more than to take a quick trip to the corner store for some alcohol and a pack of cigarettes, he has the kids with him and he has to be their pillar of strength. Already, their trip to Kyoto has been a disaster and Suguru would rather die than ruin it even more for them.

Checking the time, Suguru sighs. It’s nearly one thirty in the morning and at this point, he knows he’s not going to get any sleep. Not since he’s already on this third cup of coffee for the night. Suguru has long since ignored the gentle trembling of his hands and the strange staccato-like stuttering in his heart.

Nothing seems to be adding up for Suguru. He isn’t sure what’s pushing Gojou over the edge like this but it leaves him nervous and a leaden weight forms in his stomach.

The hotel room is silent, save for the soft snores from one of the kids and the ticking of the clock. Looking over his shoulder, Suguru smiles at the three sleeping children. Quietly walking over, he re-tucks in the girls and smooths down Megumi’s hair. Humming to fill the silence, he moves towards his own bed and sits down.

Bed springs creak under his weight, reaching over, he turns off the small lamp. Plunged in near total darkness, the waning crescent moon’s dying silver light just barely shines through the slatted blinds.

Suguru can’t help but to feel vastly uneasy, all he can think of is how this is like the calm before a deadly storm. Despite the warmth from the nearby heater, all Suguru can feel is phantom fingers made of ice that sink deep into his bones.

“Ne, Satoru, what would you do if our roles were reversed?” He asks the blank wall, secretly hoping for an answer that never comes.

Barely three hours pass by when the sudden light of an incoming call startles Suguru. He had just fallen asleep and he’s more than tempted to give the caller a piece of his mind when he sees that it’s Gojou calling him.

Instantly awake, he scrambles to accept the call.

“Satoru-” He cuts himself off, there’s no sounds on the other end of the line. All of his earlier uneasiness washes over him and threatens to pull him into a dark and churning ocean of fear.

Straining his ears, Suguru listens for anything.

A soft sigh.

“Suguru.” Gojou mumbles, his name is spoken with so much weight that he doesn’t reply. “Suguru, go home.”

“What? Why?

“I don’t want you here.” Gojou’s words stab through Suguru’s heart and his throat constricts painfully, making him feel like he can’t breathe.

“I don’t understand. It’s always been us against the world… Why would I go home? What happened to you?”

The silence that settles between them is suffocating and it almost drives Suguru mad when there’s a breathy chuckle.

“People change, Suguru. There’s no more ‘us’. I don’t care about the fucking Goodwill Event or that Yaga let you come here just to see me. I can’t trust you, now that you brought him. I can’t trust the elders. I can’t even trust myself. Do you understand?” Gojou laughs again, he must be somewhere outside because the wind almost drowns out his next words.

“I… I hate you. I really fucking hate you and I don’t want to see you, Suguru. I meant what I said earlier, you know. If you want to be selfish and try to see me again, at least send the kids home before you do that. My promise includes them too. I won’t hesitate to slaughter them and you… just like what you did to those villagers, yeah? Stay out of my way and all of you won’t get hurt, think of it as my last act of kindness for you.” With that, Gojou hangs up. Any relief that Suguru might’ve felt when he saw Gojou’s name pop up just moments prior is gone.

He stares down at his phone’s wallpaper, an old selfie where the two of them are at a festival from the top of a ferris wheel. Both of them are bundled up jackets and scarves, the tips of their noses are pink from the cold. In that moment, it didn’t matter how cold that night was because they were both having so much fun and probably wouldn’t have even noticed if they got frostbite. Suguru remembers that Gojou bullied the poor ride operator into letting them stay at the top for longer than usual and the view over the colorfully lit festival had almost been breathtaking. Only almost, because that title went to the man that was sitting right next to him.

That night feels like a lifetime ago. Though he supposes it is basically considered a lifetime ago. Neither him nor Gojou are the same carefree and rambunctious teenagers they had once been.

Time has certainly taken its toll on the both of them.

Many questions race through his mind and there’s only one person that could provide any answers. Yet, Gojou must’ve turned off his phone or blocked Suguru because all of his calls don’t go through.

Suguru feels horrible and a little betrayed. As much as he wants to hunt down Gojou and demand to know what’s going on, Gojou’s last words echo in the back of his mind. As much as it angers and frustrates him, he heeds Gojou’s warning.

He’ll take the kids back to Tokyo and have Yaga look after them so he can come back and find Gojou. If he has to beat the sense into him, he will.

Earlier he felt like this was the calm before the storm but Suguru can’t help but to wonder if the storm is already at his doorstep.

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