Chapter Twenty-One: Your Name Engraved Herein

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The squealing of brakes cutting against the steel train tracks jolts Suguru out of his restless sleep. Blinking wearily around the small compartment, he smiles sleepily at the three kids that are slouched against him. Nanako is tucked tightly against his side and sprawled over her, using Suguru's lap as a pillow, is her younger twin. On his left, hiding under a puffy jacket as an impromptu blanket, is Megumi. As ever, there's a small frown etched into Megumi's lips and his eyebrow twitches as if he's in a not very pleasant dream.

There's a twinge in Suguru's heart, something akin to a soft feeling of fondness. Reaching down, he gives each kid a pat on the head. Deciding to give them a few more minutes of rest before he wakes them up, he already felt bad enough about waking them up at just shy of four in the morning to reach the station in time to head back to Tokyo. Letting them sleep a bit more won't hurt anyone, Suguru glances out the window as the train slowly pulls into the station. It's a blustery, cold morning and not too many people are keen about moving to and fro this early- leaving the train station almost barren.

Once the train conductor's tired voice crackles over the speakers, Suguru finally shakes the kids awake.

There's still a bitter feeling for Suguru, as he helps each half asleep kid put on their jacket. He's left frustrated and even a little embarrassed for working so hard to be able to go to Kyoto, only for him to have to return back to Tokyo not even a full day later. Suguru feels like he's lost a battle and he wonders if things would've ended differently if he tried to talk to Gojou more. Maybe if he had been more stubborn, he would've figured out what in the world was going on with his husband instead of having to tuck in his tail and admit defeat so easily.

Regardless, he doesn't want the kids to be in potential danger so going back to Tokyo is probably for the best. Suguru will just give them to Ieiri and then board the next train back so he can hopefully talk some sense into Gojou, or at the very least, see what's exactly going on with him.

He may have lost yesterday's battle but there's always today.

Smiling, he gently shoos away Mimiko's hands and helps her zip up the stubborn zipper that got caught on some of the jacket's fabric. As he patiently works on getting the fabric out of the zipper's mouth, Mimiko lets out a yawn and rests her head against his shoulder- mumbling something under her breath. He can't quite make out what she's saying so Suguru hums, asking Mimiko to repeat herself. Pouting, she just glances away with a huff.

Next to him, Nanako is waving cheerfully at whoever passes by the compartment's window and chatters away about how she's excited to see her 'Auntie Shoko' again. Letting out a yawn, Megumi sleepily nods along before tucking his chin into the collar of his jacket.

"Is Mister Gojou staying back there?" Mimiko sullenly repeats and Suguru suddenly feels the weight of all three children's stares on him.

"Did you want him to come with us?" Suguru softly inquires, deciding to use the classic diversion tactic by just answering her question with a question of his own.

As expected, none of them say anything. He isn't sure if it's because they're too tired to think of an answer or if they're still frightened of Gojou.

These past two days have, no doubt, been stressful and discombobulating for all three kids. What with the supposed promise of a fun vacation in Kyoto with him and Gojou as they watch and cheer on the students from Tokyo to win the Goodwill Event... only for them to have to turn around and go back home so soon after arriving in Kyoto.

Even though the kids are a little bewildered about the sudden change of plans, Suguru can see the relief in the twins' eyes about being back in a familiar city. Like usual, Megumi remains hidden behind his stoic mask- never voicing any complaints about being taken halfway across the country and back. Suguru is sure that Megumi prefers to stay in Tokyo though, especially after Gojou's jarring meltdown yesterday.

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