Chapter 1

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Megumi's pov
"Class today we'll be having a new student with us today please quiet down"

I heard the teacher speaking from outside of the class.I'm finally going to school.It's my first time wearing uniform.The uniform didn't look that bad I actually quite like it.It was a white button up and a grey sweater which had the school logo on the upper right with grey pants.

I wonder how Kohza will react.

"You can come in now!"the teacher shouted from inside of the class

Even though I've been homeschooled pretty much half of my life I didn't have any problem socializing with people I just didn't want to get involved with anyone

Walking into the classroom I didn't see Kohza anywhere.

I'm sure this is the class he's in.

He's probably late........I hope

"Introduce yourself"the home room teacher supposedly named Mr.Tyson said gesturing to me.

"Yes sir.My name is Megumi Knight. I look forward to working with you all please treat me well" I said putting on a friendly smile

The girls began whispering among themselves and some of the boys looked at me with resentment in their eyes.

I was always told that I was handsome by people in my family and due to that I attract a lot of attention from people.It makes me feel uncomfortable

My face was smooth and clear.My hair was naturally brown but due to bleaching it was now blonde.I had light brown eyes and long eyelashes.I was gifted with everything but height.(5'9"

I could hear all the positive remarks about my looks from the girls and I could sense the glares from the boys.

Shit this is so frustrating

"I'm sorry but there's only one seat available it's at the back you can take a seat now"Mr.Tyson said while pointing to the desks which were paired at the back of the class by the window.

"Kohza your late again this is the third time this week!"Mr.Tyson yelled

"Shut up old man"Kohza said walking into the classroom making quite an appearance


Kohza walked into the classroom out of breath looking like he just finished fighting.He only wore his white shirt which was unbuttoned and a black shirt underneath.He had in earphones and a lollipop in his mouth while his bag hung on one shoulder.

"And throw that lollipop away!"Mr.Tyson ordered impatiently

Kohza sure changed in both physique and personality from the last time I saw him I wonder if he'll recognize me

Unlike me Kohza had a bigger build and rougher features he was obviously taller than me about 6 foot 1.His black hair came over his face but stopped a little past his eyebrows making bangs and he had an undercut.He had a piercing in each ear and wore black studs in both.

"Go sit down"the teacher said to me as he began taking attendance

"Hi Kohza"I said sitting down next to him

Coincidentally the empty seat happened to be next to Kohza.Is this fate??

"Who are you?"

"You don't recognize me?"

"No"he said nonchalantly looking out the window

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