Chapter 8

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3rd person pov
Exam times finally came to an end.As the school bell rang you could hear the relieving sighs of hardworking students as they walked out of the exam rooms to their form classes
Kohza and Megumi sat next to each other as
the listened to Mr.Ty's speech longing for him to stop talking.

Of course Kohza would normally just leave when he wanted to but it was different now that Megumi was there.Even if he was to walk out Megumi would've just dragged him back

"Ok guys make sure to rest on your break and also complete all the homework that was assigned to you.See you guys after break you are dismissed."

Megumi's pov

"Megumi we're going out to karaoke wanna join us?"a classmate named Liliela asked as she pointed to the group of students who were going.

Wow.That's like half of the entire class.

"Nah I'm good"I said as I went after Kohza who recently walked out the class

"Kohza let's go out?"I asked as I caught up with him

"Didn't Liliela ask you to go with them.Why did you refuse?"he asked

"Why would I go with them?I rather go somewhere with my boyfriend"I said flirting with him.

His face is turning red haha.

"Shut up"

"Come on let's go"I said as we left the school grounds.


"Here we are"I said as we arrived to my favorite ice cream stand.

"Ice-cream?"he asked looking around

The stand was in a park.An old man which I called gramps served the best homemade ice cream ever.

"I'll pay so what flavor do you want?"I asked Kohza as we walked up to the stand


"Hey gramps long time no see"

"Oh Megumi hello it's really been a long time since I've saw you.Who's this?"he said referring to Kohza

"He's my lover Kohza"I said confidently.

I didn't want to hide our relationship but thinking about it now I should've asked Kohza before doing so

I slowly looked over to my side.Kohza's face was red with embarrassment but his aura gave of anger

Shit I fucked up

"Nice to meet you you can call me Mr.Fraiser"gramps greeted Kohza

"I'll take two vanilla ice creams.Two scoops on one cone and one scoop on the other"

"Coming right up"

After collecting both ice teams I have Kohza the one with two scoops hoping it would cheer him up.

"Thanks"he said a low voice as if he still haven't forgiven me

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have announced our relationship like that I'll ask you next time"I said as we sat down

"Please accept that extra scoop as an apology gift"I said as I begun to eat my ice cream.It tasted great and Kohza also looked like he was enjoying it.

"Ah your messing up your face"I said as I wiped Kohza's mouth with a napkin that came with the ice cream.

Despite Kohza's big build an intimidating features he was cute and I was happy that I was the only person who got to see this side of him.

"Your face looks like it's going to erupt any second now"I laughed.He's seriously blushes for the simplest of stuff.

"Shut up"he said looking away as he continued eating.

After we finished eating I suggested that we go on the swings.There we're two blue swings next to each other.We both sat on one.

As we swung slowly together Kohza held my hand.

I'm pretty sure I'm red right now.

I squeezed his hand tighter then he spoke up.

"Megumi why do you like me?"Kohza asked suddenly

"Why do you ask?"I asked

"Because I'm muscular,big and I don't talk much even though you spend so much time talking to me I can only reply in short sentences .I have no friends and I'm not even smart.You should date someone more suitable for you.You should say a gi-"

My feet moved on their own as I jumped onto my feet and stood in fron to Kohza.

"Don't finish what you were just going to say"I said looking down at Kohza

I kissed him.Forcefully opening his mouth I kissed him passionately.He kissed me back;our tongues intertwined as we deepened the kiss.

Finally we pulled apart and I rested my forehead against his.

"Kohza you know that's the longest you've ever talked to me and all you told me was reasons you thought I shouldn't date you"I said locking eyes with Kohza as we both tried to catch our breath.

"The funny thing is almost everything you said is the reason why I like you.I love everything about you so stop overthinking and just stay with me"

"Yes"Kohza said as tears suddenly started to escape his eyes

"Don't worry it's okay I love you ok.I love you so much Kohza"I hugged him as he cried into my shoulder.

"I love you too"he said into my shoulder.

I love you Kohza.

I comforted Kohza until he stopped crying and then I lifted up his face with both my hands so that he was look straight at me.

I smiled"Kohza exam times are over let's go on tons and tons of dates"

His swollen eyes became even more smaller as he smiled at me.

"Sure"he answered.

I walked Kohza home together that night.We held hands and talked about where we would like to go.

I didn't get to stay over since my mom called worried as hell and plus I have to prep myself for our date tomorrow

How do you like this chapter.Honestly I think I'm getting better at writing romantic scenes.What do you think?

What's your favorite ice cream flavor?🍦 (mine is golden vanilla)


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