Chapter 2

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Kohza's pov

Fuck I didn't want to get him angry

"I'm such a shithead but what else can I do but push him away when he showed up so suddenly "


"Mommy when I grow up I'm gonna marry Megumi."I said as my mom and I walked home

"Son do you understand what your saying"she said looking down at me

"Uh Huh"

"It's ok if you do but people don't usually accept people who like the same gender"

"Huh what are you saying mommy"I answered

Knowing that I wouldn't understand my mom just laughed it off


"Fuck"the ointment hurts like hell

After applying the ointment by myself I decided to skip classes until lunch

Walking up the stairs that led to the school rooftop there was a small attic like building at the top.That was where I usually went when i skulled my classes

As I neared the roof of the attic I saw a shadow of someone

Is someone there

"Who's the-Megumi?"How did he even know about this place and why is he skipping class

"Why are you here it's your first day and your skipping already"I said trying to lighten the obviously awkward tension

He didn't answer.

Climbing on top of the roof I sat next to him but kept my distance

This is a good chance to apologize

"Megumi are you still angry?"I asked

"Tsk"Megumi is very sensitive and can't hide his emotions well.Without talking I looked at the sky.

The weather is great today

The wind blew gently and the birds chirped prettily.I couldn't help but look at Megumi.

Did he always have that mole under his eye and he bleached his hair?He looks like a prince

He's changed a lot since back then.
Unlike me Megumi had long straight blonde hair which fell over his face.He had light brown eyes and soft,clear skin.He didn't have any piercings he was just pure and charming.

"I'm sorry about saying those stuff it's your first time seeing me in a long time and I'm pushing you away"the words slipped out unconsciously

"Kohza I like you"Megumi said suddenly


"Huh?"I said confused

"I came here because I like you"Megumi said with a slight shade of red on his face

"Oh um I like you too?"I said confused

"Romantically"he clarified

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