Chapter 9

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Megumi's pov
"Thank you"I said to the bus driver as I came off the bus.

It was pretty late but the time spent today was worth it.I went on my first unofficial date with Kohza.It's unofficial because I want to take him someplace nicer for our first date.

"Mom I'm home"I said opening up the door.Our house was a small modern house.Bug enough to fit two people.It had two bedrooms which came with their own bathroom,a kitchen and a living area.

"You brat I wanted you to taste what I madey mom said walking into the corridor to greet me

"Mom please don't tell me you cooked again"I said looking at the black smoke which was coming from the kitchen

"Uhhh....shh sit down"she said pushing me towards the table.

I made sure to leave food in the fridge.Why didn't she just eat that?

Is this the day I die?

My mom was a very young cheerful person with an adorable and cute personality.Despite the passing of my dad her smile never faded.I love my mom I really do but she's a horrible cook.

I always made the meals but my mom she loved cooking even though she can't do it well.She does it whenever she sees an opportunity and I had to eat whatever she made as I am an only child.

These are the times that I wish I had siblings.

"Here"my mom said putting down a plate of very burnt chicken in front of me.

"I made baked chicken"she said smiling down at me waiting for me to eat

Oh so that's what it was.

I didn't want to hurt mom's feelings so I took a deep breath and tasted the chicken.

It was horrible.

"It tastes great mom you've gotten so much better"I said as I struggled to swallow the food.

"Oh really lemme have a taste"she said taking up the chicken from my plate

"No mom you shouldn't-"

"Fuck this tastes like crap!"she said spitting it out faster than it went in

"I told you you shouldn't"I said as we both laughed together

"I'll just have to try harder next time"she said taking up the plate and bringing it over to the kitchen.

"So how was your day you barely spend time with me anymore"she said putting as she washed the pan which was stained black.

"I went out with Kohza to eat ice cream"

"Oh yeah your friend from Scott Town"she said.Scott town was where Kohza and I lived before I had to move away.

"Uh mom where do people usually go on dates I need a place Kohza would like?"I said the words slipping from my mouth before I could realize.

Shit.Did she realize?!?

"Well they always go to the movies in those cliche movies but please don't d..o th....a...t.....WHAT DID YOU SAY!" she shouted in shock

"What I didn't say anything d-did y-you hear s-something??"I said rubbing the back of my neck as I was unable to hold back the blush from spreading across my face.

Running over she sat in front of me "Are you dating Kohza?"she asked

"Uhh y-yeah"I answered shaking my head in fear.What Will she do now.Will she curse me out? Or will she throw me out of the house?

"That's great isn't he the first person you've ever dated we'll need to celebrate.Bring out the whiskey!"she said excitedly

"Mom are you just looking for a reason to drink"I said seeing right through her plan.

My mom loves not only whiskey but alcohol in general.I always tell her to quit drinking because she's hard to calm down when she's wasted and I always end up taking care of her.Isn't the parent supposed to take care of the child?

I sighed.Thank God I hid it

"Mom your not drinking tonight I want to get enough sleep for tomorrow"I

"Well it was worth a shot"she said accepting her fate.

"Putting that aside aren't you angry?"I asked

"Why would I be?I can't believe your dating Kohza so you go for both genders huh.I don't blame you men are hot"she said unbothered

I thought she would've been angry and try to come in between our love or some cliche stuff. Well she's not the type to get angry over stuff like this.

Let's give it another go then"Well then where should I go for our date?"

"I don't know but I heard there's this amusement park that just opened "she said getting up from the table

"You guys can go there also you can stay out tomorrow"she said going into her room

She came out shortly after with a small white box and handed it to me

What's this?

I opened up the box.It was filled with condoms and love gel.

"Make sure to use protection"she said winking at me as she went back in her room and closed the door

Why does she even have these?Isn't mom single.I didn't even have the energy to complain.Well I'm grateful but no matter how much I would like to embrace Kohza I need his permission first.Would he even let me be on top?

Sighing I got up from the table.

I don't know anymore.

After locking the doors I walked up the stairs to my room.I rested the box on my dresser and went to take a bath.

"I'll search up where the park is before I go to sleep"I rolled over on the bed to grab my phone.

It wasn't far and it looked fun.The prices were low too.This would be my first time going to an amusement park.The pictures and reviews were good so I guess we can go.

An amusement park date.



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