Chapter 14

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Megumi's pov
The short break seemed so long even though it was just two weeks.Kohza and I spent almost everyday at either his house or mine.We talked together,played video games together,I flirted with him nonstop and had a ton of sex.We are healthy teenage boys after all;)

And we also went on our first date he actually got up on time.I had so much fun but now it's time to return to school.

I was waiting on Kohza outside so that we can go to school together.Am I what people call the ideal boyfriend?

I should've brought flowers

The door opened revealing my cute boyfriend.He wore his uniform usually how he does with the jacket unbuttoned and a black shirt underneath,with his pants and black high top sneakers.While I wore the school's sweater and white dress shirt underneath,my pants and black dress shoes

It was getting closer to winter time so the time was a but chilly.

"Kohza aren't you cold?"I asked worried

"Nah I'm good"he said throwing his bag over his back.He really looks like a school top dog lol.

"You looks so cool Kohza"I said compliment king him

He blushed and answered"You look pretty"

"Really you think I'm pretty!"I exclaimed as I back hugged him and kissed him on the cheek

Im so happy that during our short break Kohza has gotten way more open and started to talk to me comfortably

"We're outside and shut up"he said even though didn't show any sign of rejection.

So cute

"Ok ok let's go then "I said letting him go

"Aah it's finally lunch time I thought class was gonna last forever"I stretched

"I made you lunch Kohza~"I said taking out a big bowl from my bag filled with ham and cheese sandwiches

"Let's eat it together"I said smiling at him


"H-hi my name is Kuina is it alright if I eat with you" an unfamiliar soft voice said

Looking up I saw a very short girl about 5'2.She was chubby and had a cute baby face.She had long black hair with short bangs.Her uniform was neat and she looked like quite a

"Who are you?"Kohza said glaring at her

"U-Um I-I just w-wanna be friends"she said stuttering

"Kohza stop scaring her.I have a bit of trust issues so I think I'll skip on that offer for now"I said rejecting her in the most kindest way that I could think off

"Bye we're off now."I said as Kohza and I got up

"Kohza can you stop glaring at her please"I whispered to Kohza who was literally eyeing down the girl like prey

"Kohza does it taste good?"I asked as I watched him eating

"It does"he answered

"Good I made it with lots of live just for you!"I shouted as I put my arm around his shoulder

"Can you quiet down we're at school"he said looking around nervously

"Kohza look at me"I said

He turned around and I kissed him.

"Fuck you"he whispered turning away his beet red face.

"Let's hurry and eat before class starts"I said as I started eating as well

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