Chapter 4

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Kohza's pov
It's been 2 weeks since Megumi and I started dating.He's been obviously avoiding me since the first and last time he came to my house.

He skips his classes and when he sees me in the halls he walks the opposite way

When I text him he tells me that he's busy studying for exams or he's hanging out with his friends

We don't even have exams soon.It's fucking October and Megumi doesn't have any friends except me.

The fucking liar.

He's probably already tired of me.

Since we started dating we've shared one kiss and we haven't gone on any dates since then.

The fucking prick asking me to date him and then avoiding me.I'm gonna make him regret this.

"I heard that he stopped fighting"someone "whispered" to their friend as they passed me

I haven't fought in quite some time.No one comes to fight me either probably because they don't find it fun fighting somebody that won't fight back

Even though I'm keeping my promise Megumi's avoiding me.

I'm gonna find that bastard today.

After searching everywhere I could the last place I decided was on the roof

"That shithead better be here"I said as I walked up the stairs

I wasn't gonna lie I was angry and anxious at the same time.

What if he's tired of me?What if he finds me disgusting?What if his feelings faded?

But then obviously there were also my thoughts influenced by my anger

I'm gonna beat the shit out of him if he has a bad explanation.

Just as I expected he was on the roof "I'm gonna beat the shit out of you you fucking dickhead" I said as I walked up to him with my hands in fists

"W-what h-hold on didn't you promise me you won't fight again"

"I take it back"

"Wait don't hit me"

"Why are you avoiding me?"I said threatening him

"Answer in three seconds"


"I like you a lot"

"That doesn't answer my question"

"I can't control myself when we're together"

My mouth gaped as heat rushed to my ears


"I keep imagining us doing erotic things together"

"E-eh"i screeched as I finally understood what he was saying

"But I'm afraid you'll reject me so I could only avoid you"

"I-it's okay"I said stuttering

That was so embarrassing

"What?"he said confused

"Isn't it normal for couples to do those type of stuff"I answered avoiding eye contact

Kissing and hugging those are all normal stuff for couples right?

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