xii. plans

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━━━━━━ ◦ Faith ◦ ━━━━━━

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━━━━━━ ◦ Faith ◦ ━━━━━━

Faith strove to keep a simple routine, hoping to earn some trust with the Frenchman so she could be by herself some time away from him and out of her room, and to avoid suspicion on her part. A simple routine wasn't hard to manage, she'd had one for the past eight years of her life but the Frenchman was always suspicious, always on his feet and always alert at what she was doing even if it was just sitting on the deck drawing in a sketchbook he had given her so she would stay out of trouble as if she could get into trouble.

The daily life of the ship was something of routine and uniformity, The sailors would wake up at the crack of dawn to switch with the men who had the night shifts, the captain was either watching the deck or in this cabin, never anywhere else, and the Frenchman was always watching her. Faith had currently found no way to get away from him and into the captain's cabin without being noticed, she also had found no time to talk to Colin at all and as the days passed faith became more anxious that she would run out of time. It had been 10 days since they border the ship and she had no idea how much time she would have left though she knew it wasn't enough she seemed to not be as lucky as she hoped for.

She prayed every night to get off this ship and go home, she prayed that her father and family would stay safe, that she wouldn't ever have to see Sir Hastings and then she would go to bed and barely sleep throughout the night, she kept seeing the Redcoats face, kept reliving what had happened to her. She would wake up multiple times throughout the night in a cold sweat with tears streaming down her face, and then she would have to calm herself down and comfort herself which worked next to none of the time...Running out of luck and hope, that's what she thought. But something happened on the 11th day that certainly seemed like a stroke of luck, Or maybe fate, to any sane person it wasn't but to Faith, it was a chance she took it her prayers were heard.

━━ ◦ 11 December 1752 ◦ ━━

The young redhead sat on the deck under the shade cast by the captain's cabins, she looked at the drawing she was working on, Prue. Prue was a good subject for drawing, Faith had thought, She had such beautiful symmetrical features, pretty plump lips and a small nose placed exactly in the middle of her face. Faith recalled that Prue that Freckles but unlike Faith, they only covered her nose and cheeks while faith had them covering her entire face and body. She had round eyes that were the colour of the deep ocean they were sailing on, Faith wished she had coloured paints so she could add in the details of her eyes and hair but she took what she could get.

Faith enjoyed drawing and painting, she once had done a portrait of herself back at Lallybroch, once she was done she accidentally left it on the dining table overnight and the next day it was gone. for a little while, she wondered what had happened to it but now she suspects that her father took it. Maybe he still had it? though she doubted it, either way someone in her family would have something to remember her by. (This can be seen in Visual Gallery)

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