xiii. run

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↳ run


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Faith sat in the room finishing the sketch, Mr Agreste was still ill so she could technically go anywhere on ship without him noticing but she decided to sit in her room until supper hoping to give Mr Colin MacKimmie enough time to think about what she said, she would see him at supper and he would make the next move, as she said earlier it was risky, yes, But she had no other choice or at least not another plan. As she sat there adding the final touches to her Sketching of Colin she thought about what the hell she was going to tell Jenny when she got back to Lallybroch, She knew she had to tell her auntie the full story or she wouldn't trust Faith, no matter how young she was the lack of control he had on her situation. But she didn't want to tell Jenny the full story, or anyone for that matter, Not the full story anyway.

You, dear reader, can take a guess as to which parts she wanted to leave out, she knew that if anyone found out the gossip would spread like wildfire, she would become a whore at the ripe old age of eight, she would never be able to marry...Not in Scotland anyway. She questioned whether she even wanted a husband in the first place, Mrs Crook always told Faith that when she's old enough she should marry for love instead of wealth or status, but the thought of a husband and kids seemed to put her off, no matter how much she was told that one day it would happen.

Maybe she'll tell Prue the whole story, Prue would accept her, Prue seemed to have ideas about things that Faith had never heard of. Maybe she'd just return to Loch an Iar and live with Prue they could make a club to discuss all the books that they read. The thought was nice but she suspected that doing so would make the thrashing she was bound to get even worse, she would write to Prue, every day, no matter what happens.

There seemed to be movement on the deck, a lot of movement, footsteps heading towards the dining hall, Supper. Faith closed the book and stood up taking a deep breath. Tonight would be pivotal in making sure her plan would go her way, she had to be ready.

She climbed up the ladder and walked to the dining hall, She collected her stew and ships biscuit which by the way gets a bit drier every single night, it's kinda gross actually. She sat at the same table she and Guillaume Agreste sat at every night, only this time she was alone, Obviously.

She stared at her food, the stew too looked more and more unappetizing every night, and that was coming from a kid who had eaten grass, bugs and dirt accidentally. She still ate the food, grateful she had something, but damn did it smell off.

Loud footsteps and chattering approached the hall, she knew it was Colin and his Sailor friends, They were always loud always cheerful, It was annoying...Like really annoying but she digresses. The highlander boy swaggered in as he usually did,  cackling at a crude joke Graham had made just a moment earlier, he flipped his red hair out of his face. He glanced at Faith, who was watching them before grabbing some food, he then turned back to her obviously deciding something. Faith had now gone back to slowly eating her food, he knew she was there, it was his turn to make a decision.

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