xv. betrayal and letters

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↳ betrayal and letters

CHAPTER FIFTEEN↳ betrayal and letters

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━━━━━━ ◦ Faith ◦ ━━━━━━

Faith glanced up ahead, at the road she was to travel on and spotted a horse, mounted with a saddle, just sitting on the edge of the road not tied to a fence or anything, she glanced behind her, there was no one, it was nobody horse. Faith smirked it belonged to nobody, meaning she could take it and take it now, She took a few hasty steps before beginning to run fast, this was her chance, if she would get that horse and begin making her way back home, she was coming home, she was finally going to return to Lallybroch and so she ran as fast as she could to reach that horse.

The ground made loud sloshing noises under her boots, and her breathing was heavy, almost panting like the dogs they had back at Lallybroch. Her legs kept moving at a fast pace, without fault, almost as if she wasn't sprinting in a dress that could trip her at any given moment.

She was nearly there maybe 15 yards left, Faith finally picked up that there were more than just her feat making the sloshing sound against the ground, she looked back to see two men heading towards her. How did she know they were heading towards her specifically? well, 1. they looked angry and 2. she recognised them from the ship, Guillaume had spoken to them, it had always looked like they were doing dealings.

Something in her told her to run faster, to get to the horse as soon as she could, Sure they were a few miles behind her but they had horses. She looked back towards the horse, the only way she would be able to properly outrun them and get home.

10 yards, Faith slightly lifted up her skirt to be able to run faster, she didn't care if it was considered wrong to do so, I honestly didn't matter. Plus she was eight so it didn't matter

9 Yards, The looked back to see the men gaining on her so she tried to speed up, she will make it, she will get back to Lallybroch...That is what she kept telling herself as she kept moving, though she, and probably you dear readers have already figured out that she won't make it.

She had less than 3 yards left before she felt hands grab both of her arms and almost instantly pull her back, It took the girl a moment to realise what was happening, her legs still moving as if she was still running when she was immediately lifted up off the ground.

"NO!" Faith cried once she came to her senses "Wait, Wait! stop please I can't go back please," She begged and she was placed on the back of a horse and tied up, a terrible sense of deja vu which made her hands shake uncontrollably. The young redhead almost stopped fighting immediately after being tied down, her wrists had just healed and from past experiences fighting the ropes never worked and only damaged her more.

There were no words spoken between Faith and the men, Why would there be? they recaptured her and were taking her back into the hands of Mr Agreste and in extension Oliver Hastings. No, she had no time or will to exchange pleasantries with them and so they just sat in silence, the only noise being the hooves clipping in the muddy ground and the near quiet sniffling of the girl whose red hair had become a darker shade due to matting and dirt.

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