Start of Summer

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To Sebastian's disappointment it was now officially Summer in the valley. It was bright, sticky and everyone was rushing outside to enjoy the Summer sun. Not Sebastian, he stuck to his chair like glue and continued working in the intolerable hot air.

This fucking weather.. how do people handle it..

He moped and huffed his way through the days, only going outside when it was dark and the air cooled down for him. He would stand at the lake of course, enjoying the sound of the frogs and crickets and he could finally relax. The days he hated, he sweated and felt like he was trapped in a bubble of torturous heat that he could never escape.

At least there were the rainy days.

Once it rained, Sebastian got ready and headed outside. It was grey, murky and miserable, the sky was full of clouds and the ground was soggy. He headed down to the beach to stand at the pier and watch the ocean.

He was stood for an hour or two when the farmer appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, and greeted him.

"Hi Sebastian." She said sweetly, "How have things been?"
He felt a wave of anxiety rush through his body. He shrugged, "I suppose I'm trying to cope in the heat." Did that sound rude?
"It's a lot to take isn't it?" It wasn't sarcasm like Sam would mockingly say, she seemed to agree with him.
"Yeah it's not nice at all. I'm just waiting for the Autumn, it gets cooler and damper, I feel more at home."
She smiled at him and pulled out a fishing rod, "Can I fish here?"
"Go ahead." he looked at her, she was quite a bit shorter than he was, and her complexion looked even paler in the overcast lighting, especially in contrast to her ebony hair which looked shiny and healthy. He thought she looked beautiful. His anxiety was gradually reducing and he felt almost calm being with her.
"I'm getting better at fishing," she said, focusing on the dark waters, "so it shouldn't be as embarrassing as when I first fished in your company."
He laughed softly, "I can't fish at all, I just stick to my computer, that's my talent."
"I suppose fishing could be my talent. I'd like to say I'm good at mining."
"What about farming? Isn't that your job?" he said raising an eyebrow jokingly, he hoped his joking didn't offend her.
"It isn't much of a farm really as I can't afford many seeds."
"Time will bring you progress, like with my freelancing, you get better as time goes by." He cringed slightly at his advice but he thought it made sense.
She looked up at him and smiled, "your pretty wise for a basement dweller."
"Your pretty sweet for a women who stinks of fish!" He smirked
Her eyes widened, "Excuse me!"
They both laughed, the misery Sebastian dragged along with the Summer had fallen off his shoulders as they talked, joked and smiled together. His awkwardness seemed to have disappeared somehow and he spent time with the farmer without the butterflies in his stomach being so dominant and he felt more relaxed. Sure, there was still some shakiness in his voice, but it wasn't as bad with it being just the two of them. He felt he could be himself without worrying about the jokes from Sam or Abigail that would come after.

As the farmer said her goodbyes she also added, "it was nice seeing you more relaxed today."
"Heh, was it?"
"Yeah, I enjoyed our chat." She smiled as she started to walk down the pier, "Maybe I'll see you at the Saloon on Friday?"
"I'll be there." He said smiling. He watched as she walked away in the pouring rain and he stood feeling truly happy.

A Light In The Darkness- SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now