The Caves

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Sebastian tried to shake off the dream and focus on reality. He told himself over and over that he could definitely leave Pelican Town and nothing would stop him from doing so, especially not some strange dream logic.

It was another clammy day and his dark basement made the heat all the more persistent. He hoped there would be another thunderstorm soon, or even better, that Autumn would come soon.

Summer was drawing to a close, Sebastian did his best to ignore his stepdads birthday  and his family didn't seem to care. Maybe the lack of his presence persevered the perfect family image the rest of his family held. Or maybe Demetrius was more loved by the family.. maybe they don't even notice when I'm not around.. that thought made moving away even more appealing.

The day passed as mundane as ever and Sebastian decided to go outside once the sun began to set to watch the bats near the mine entrance. He wondered what it would be like to go deep into the mines, he knew Abigail longed to adventure. He didn't care for the riches in the mines or the combat but he found the creatures there to be fascinating, especially the cave bats and rock crabs.

Maybe I could go down the caves and properly explore..? The idea was tempting and he knew he'd be ok if he didn't go too far down. It wasn't like he'd never explored before, he believed knew what to expect.

He lurked at the entrance before taking a deep breath and climbing down the ladder. He saw another ladder pretty quickly.. maybe I don't even need a pick axe for this? He was confused yet went down further.

After luckily finding a couple more ladders Sebastian saw a rock move and gasped in excitement, creeping closer to the rock crab. It hid away into its rocky shield as Sebastian examined it closely.

"I wish I could take you home little guy," he said softly, " but I don't think my family would appreciate a little monster like you." He sighed wishing he could have a pet. The rock crab didn't seem as scary as people like Abigail said they were and he thought it would make a good companion. He imagined making it a habitat to live in and playing with it. Maybe once it got used to him it would hide less in its rock-


Sebastian had looked away for a second and the crab struck him, causing a large cut in his side. The rock crab now appeared less like a pet and more like the monster it was known to be. He winced in pain and hastily climbed back up to the surface.

He retreated to his room and examined his injury, feeling panicked at first as he didn't want to have to visit the clinic and have Maru judge him. He would hate for her and Demetrius to lecture him. He always boiled with rage whenever his stepdad tried to tell him what to do, he always felt like a failure to him and therefore tried to stay away from his advice or lessons. He knew Robin wanted them to get along but Sebastian found it so hard to find any common ground with his stepdad, besides he believed Demetrius preferred Maru, so he stayed out of the way.

As the shock died down he composed himself and treated his wound himself. Abigail and taught him about how to deal with wounds, she had learned due to wanting to adventure herself. He realised her advice wasn't as silly as he first thought and sighed in relief as the pain started to lessen.

He lay in bed and flicked through a graphic novel. He thought adventuring would be more fun, maybe if he got a pick axe it would be exciting to find things. He did appreciate the escape from the heat the caves provided. Nevertheless he decided it would be best to stay away from the caves for a while, he could always just research the monsters online. He laughed to himself about his encounter with the rock crab and drifted off to sleep.

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