Sam's Birthday

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To Sebastian's misery, the sticky heat of summer continued, dragging out and tormenting him like a bad dream. One summer day he could appreciate however was Sam's birthday. Despite hiding it he loved seeing his best friend in good spirits and they had a tradition of going to the Saloon to celebrate, playing pool and eating pizza- Sam's favourite.

Sam sometimes felt like the only person who understood Sebastian, even if they were opposites in so many ways. Sebastian also understood Sam and his flighty, indecisive nature. Recently Sam had been obsessed with the idea of forming a band and dragging Sebastian into it. He had reluctantly agreed despite being so withdrawn and awkward, he knew that Sam would never commit to actually performing concerts and making money from it and would soon move on to his next idea. Spending time with Sam was when Sebastian could be relaxed and have fun rather than being alone in the dark basement he trapped himself in. He appreciated Sam, they understood each other thought he couldn't help being slightly jealous whenever Sam would be confident and talk to the farmer. It was like a pit opened up in his stomach and his mood and outlook on life dropped dramatically and with no time to prepare. He hated it and tried to avoid being in situations where the farmer and Sam would be together.

The evening approached and Sebastian was already on his way to the Saloon with money to get Sam his pizza and a Joja cola. There was an unusual bounce in his step which is soon realised and tried his best to mask by slouching and brooding.

As he entered the Saloon he was greeted with Sam's beaming grin and he couldn't help smiling himself.

"Sebastian!" Sam exclaimed, "I've hardly seen you recently."
"Really? I mean I guess I've been busy?"
"You work too much," he moaned, "you need to learn to relax and-"
"I'm not taking advice from you." he said smirking
"Hey, let's play pool!" Sam ushered him over seeing he was lost in thought
"Oh right yeah!" he snapped back into reality and was ready to beat Sam at pool- again.

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