The Stardew Valley Fair

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The was a air of excitement lingering over Pelican Town as Sebastian wandered through the town square which was full of stalls and games to play. He sighed as he made his way to the graveyard and lit a cigarette glad to be away from the hustle of the lively public.

Many gathered for the fair. It was a big attraction for Pelican Town and it was beloved both by the tourists who enjoyed the games and Gus' food and the business owners of the town who took it as an opportunity to show off their work. Sebastian saw it as a nuisance, too many people and nothing ever caught his fancy.

Sam approached with a burger, "Gus has really gone above and beyond this year." He said
"I can see that. He really does love providing food huh?"
Sam nodded enthusiastically
"Have you tried your luck at the games?"
"I played the wheel and lost."
"At least the food is free."

Mayor Lewis judged the grange displays and Pierre won which he seemed to do every year.

"I swear he sells the farmers produce you know?" Sam said
"Yeah he does that when he can benefit." Sebastian frowned, "It's just a stupid festival so I doubt anyone even cares." He lit another cigarette and leaned back against the fence thinking about all the things he could be doing back home.

"Hello stranger," the farmer said, "are you having fun?"
"Nah," Sebastian sighed, "it's a dreadful as it always is."
"Sorry about you not winning. Your stand looked quite cool with the diamond and the fish." Sam said
"Thanks but Pierre did have some cool crops so I'm not too fussed. I got a cool hat so that's a win for me." She placed the fedora on Sebastian's head
"Hey-" Sebastian laughed grabbing the hat, "That does not go with my look."
"I think it's a cool piece." Sam stated, "Maybe you can wear it when we-"
"Nope. Definitely not happening."
They laughed
"Have any of you had your fortunes told?" The farmer asked
"I don't believe in that stuff." Sebastian responded
"Maybe I'll get mine told, it could be fun."
"Why not?" Sam said finishing his burger

She went over to the tent.

"So about the concert-"
"Maybe we can talk about it tomorrow. Today is stressful enough."
"Ok that's cool. Are you keeping the hat?"
"Sure it's kinda cool."
Sam raised a eyebrow, "I see."
"Hey cut it out!" Sebastian nudged Sam, "You're annoying today you know that?"
"And you're awfully chatty." He grinned, "It's a nice change from your mopey self."
Sebastian sighed and thought about it. He did seem more upbeat recently and he smiled to himself.

The city lights bounced around his brain but the quaint valley was also bright and cheery.

The fair wasn't awful.

The city wasn't such a big deal.

He felt strangely happy. Perhaps this was the new normal, not just a random thing.

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