A Fresh Start

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It was the weekend and Sebastian had invited Sam to play The Solorian Chronicles with him. They both enjoyed the game and it was a break from band practise which Sebastian didn't want to commit to, seeing as Sam jumped from hobby to hobby with no care for the time Sebastian put in. He was as carefree as the frogs in the rain and Sebastian could only dream of feeling so relaxed.

Sam sat next to Sebastian at the table where the game was set out.

"I've been thinking," Sam began, "I feel like we're ready to share our music with the world."
Sebastian paused, "What? Sam we've only been practising for a couple of seasons, I don't think we're there yet."
"Well maybe a small show in Zuzu city? I know a place bands our size play. I used to go there with my parents when I lived in the city. Besides you always want an excuse to go there, it's good for both of us."
He sighed, "Who would want to see me play?"
"We can invite our parents, Vincent and Jas, the farmer? There's plenty of people here who would enjoy listening to our music."
"I'll think about it."

There was a knock at the door.

"Yeah?" Sebastian called
The farmer opened the door
"Hey farmer." Sam said smiling
"Hi."she said
"Would you like to play The Solorian Chronicles with us? It's a little nerdy but it's fun." Sebastian asked
Sam raised an eyebrow, "Well it is fun with more people."
"Oh sure." She sat opposite Sebastian
"Well seeing as you're the guest, you can pick first. Warrior, wizard or healer?"
"I'll go with healer. Helping others seems valuable."
"Nice well I'll be the wizard then and Sam you're warrior."
"Thats my favourite anyway!"

They went through the scenario and the farmer beat it with the top score.

"Impressive! It took me a while to pass my first scenario." Sebastian remarked
"Yeah that's pretty great," Sam said, "I better head off though my mother was mad last time I was here cause I stayed too late."
"Well tell her I say hi." Sebastian said as Sam went upstairs

"You know," Sebastian said as he sat on his bed, "I used to think Sam was my only friend in this town. But you're pretty great too."
"Does that mean we're friends then? That you won't be as rude now?"
"I never meant to be rude. I'm just, I don't know, not great with new people."
"I was just kidding." She smiled, "I do understand that. Back in ZuZu city I was pretty reserved and I suppose moving here was a chance to not shut people out."
"Like a fresh start..."
"Yeah exactly."

That night Sebastian saw a message from Sam whilst browsing for Sc-Fi novels. He valued escapism as a way to feel more confident but he thought about what the farmer said about being more confident when moving. He could try something similar.

"Have you thought about the show?" Sam asked

Sam was never one to be patient. Sebastian rolled his eyes but smiled to himself. Perhaps a concert was a chance to be more confident, a fresh start where people would see his talent.

"I'll do it." He sent the message, a wave of anxiety hit him but he knew it would be good for him to break out of his shell.

A Light In The Darkness- SebastianDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora