| Chapter Nine |

205 6 0

| Wicked |

| Cat Got Your Tongue? |

WARNING: this chapter is extremely violent

Before Hana could even get off the steps of the bunks beds, a hand was wrapped around her upper arm. Her immediate reaction was to twist the arm but she refrained when she saw 218.

Once he saw he had her attention, he easily let go of her arm. "Whatever you're thinking about doing..." He trailed off with a look in his eyes and Hana didn't know why, but she almost instantly decided he was right to stop her.

Truth is, she was planning an early attack.
But how did this guy know that?

"If anything happens after lights out we're all going to meet over there, by those beds." Hana followed his finger and nodded.
"I may be late, but I'll be there." She told him confidently and he gave her a ghost of a smile before walking away.

Hana watched him walk away, wondering why this man had an obvious...something with her. She didn't bother to give Deukso another glance as she made her way back to her bunk.

"I don't trust people. That's twice as true for anyone who'd end up in here." Sae Byeok replied to 456.
"Yeah?" He asked. "What about Hana?"

"...what about Hana?" Sae Byeok gave him a fierce look and he decided to pretend he didn't ask that question.

"You think that's how it works, huh?" He headed in a different direction. "Listen, you don't trust people in here because you can, you do it because you don't have anyone else." 456 sighs and walk back towards his group.

"We've officially been recruited into team 'beat the odds.'" Hana sighed as she reclaimed her spot in front of Sae Byeok.
"What do you mean?" Sae asked.
"I mean 218 talked me out of an early massacre and then invited me to his sanctuary." Hana chuckled.

"Early massacre?" Sae Byeok asks in confusion before realization went across her face. "You lied."

"Oh please." Hana smiled at the girl. "Don't pretend you didn't know. You can already read me like a book, can't you?"

"Don't lie to me." Sae Byeok gave her a softer look, almost like she wanted to add 'please' to the end of that sentence.
Hana gazed back at her and nodded.

"Players, lights out in thirty seconds."

Sae Byeok and Hana shared a look. "Scoot over." Hana mumbled and Sae scooted, giving the girl enough space for the two of them to lay down side by side.
"Do you have your switch blade?" Hana asked.
"Yeah. Do you have your stars?" Sae Byeok asked.




The lights went out.

Hana held her breathe for what felt like forever and then she heard a scream and the massacre started.
"Go to 456 and his team." Hana grabbed Sae's shoulders under the blinking lights.

"What are you going to do?" Sae Byeok asked.
"Just go!" Hana shoved her shoulder in the direction and when she saw Sae was going, she jumped into action, looking around frantically for Deukso.

She ducked and dodged multiple people with their swinging arms. She felt a hand grab her hair and pull her down. Hana quickly stood up and sliced their throat with her ninja star.

Wicked | Kang Sae Byeok | Squid GamesWhere stories live. Discover now