2. Habit

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2. Habit

Natasha heard a knock on the door of her apartment, she took a knife in her hand as she opened the door, this habit she had would never change. She never felt safe without a weapon.

"Look who's finally back from vacation." she said with a smile on her face. "Hey, don't act like I haven't offered you to come with me." Clint said while walking inside the apartment which looked exactly like his own just without decoration. "Vacation isn't really my thing, you know that..."

"So tell me, how's Laura and of course the kids", Natasha asked while laying the knife on the coffee table next to the couch. "They're fine, well Lila and Cooper asked why auntie Nat didn't come but they're good."

Natasha updated Clint about the last week and what had happened. She also told him about the mission they're supposed to go on the next day.

"I already talked with Fury, there's this assassin. We don't know her real name or any other things about her. Just that on the street she's called the White Shadow, she seems like a highly trained spy and assassin. People say she kills people for money. One week ago this one man from Germany got killed, he had a lot of security cameras on his terrain." Natasha handed Clint the chart, "Seems like the White Shadow killed him. We got an anonymous message from a guy who had contact with her, he gave us a number. We're supposed to kill her, Fury says she's too dangerous to be kept in a prison."

"Alright, right back to work." Clint laughs before leaving for his own apartment.

As soon as he left Natasha made her way to Furys office. He wanted to give her the rest of the information about the White Shadow. She felt a little uneasy about the name, it meant that there was a possibility that Natasha knew this person.

"You wanted to talk to me, sir?" Natasha asked as she walked in Furys office. "Yes agent Romanoff, I have some more information about the White Shadow. I wanted to give you the information in person because I wanna tell you again it's very, and I repeat, very important that you and agent Barton get her. This is our first lead on her in ages and we know she killed a lot of people." Fury said and got back to his work.

Natasha left and went back to her apartment to read the rest of the file. With a sandwich she made and the file she sat on her bed and started reading.

Female, around 20-25 years old, platinum blonde hair with slight waves. Her suit is white, it has some more protection on the shoulders and chest, she always wears a white face mask to hide the bottom half of her face. She drives a black car. That wasn't that much information.

As soon as Natasha finished the file and ate her sandwich she got up and went to the training room. She hoped to meet Clint so she could tell him the new information she got about the White Shadow.


Costia came back home from killing a businessman, he just got her ten thousand but she needed the money to pay for her rent and to pay off her car.

She undressed her suit and got in the shower. The cut on her belly burned as soon the water got on it. That was the first time in a while that Costia got hurt on a mission. She cleaned herself up and got in black sweatpants and in a comfortable white hoodie. With an ice cream box in one hand and a spoon in the other she got on the roof of the building she lived in. As always she took a little knife with her.

On the roof she played with the little knife in her hand and ate the ice cream. She loved the view, you could see the whole skyline of DC since the quarter she lived at was on the edge of the city.

Suddenly Costia had a bad feeling in her gut, she knew something would happen to her. Normally she heard when people tried to sneak up on her but this time...?

In the next second her hands were in cuffs and a knife was held against her throat. "Eine Bewegung und du bist tot, kleine Weiße Witwe." (one move and you're dead, little White Shadow) a female voice said from behind her.

Costia tried to free herself but she realized the girl must be a trained spy or something like it because she couldn't move her hands.

"Was habe ich denn gerade gesagt?"(what did I just say?) the girl said while cutting a scratch right above Costia's' collarbone. It hurt but over the years Costia got a high pain tolerance so she didn't make any noise to the girls disliking.

After what felt like minutes Costia finally managed to free herself from the cuffs and not even one second after she held her own knife against the throat of the girl. "Who sent you?" Costia said in a threatening voice as she looked in the blue eyes of the girl.

"Das werde ich dir nicht sagen." (I won't tell you.) the girl said in a shaky voice "Oh, you will", Costia said in a playful tone "or you're dead."

"Thomas Schmidt, you killed him. His brother sent me." a voice with a very strong german accent answered the question. Costia let the girl go and she immediately ran off. "Ugh, disgusting." Costia muttered to herself as she felt blood running down her chest ruining her sweater. She quickly climbed back into her apartment.

She quickly supplied her wound and was ready to go to bed but before she had the chance to even lay down changed her phone rang.


Clint dialed the number Natasha gave him and called it. After a few seconds a person picked up.

"Hello?" a female voice said.

"Is this the White Shadow?" Clint asked unsure.

"Yes it is. What's the offer."

"Actually I wanted to talk to you in person, the person I want you to kill is very important." Clint answered.

"Fine. Tomorrow at 10pm, Donkon street, right next to the bridge." she said and hung up.

"Goodbye to you too." Clint said to himself and made his way to Natasha's room.

"Come in Clint." Natasha said when she heard Clint knock on her door, she knew it was Clint because he was with Maria the only one who visited her.

"So have you made a deal with her?" Natasha asked while going to sit on the couch. "Yes, she will be in the Donkon street by the bridge at 10pm. We can sent an agent to talk to her and set ourselves on the roof a little away from the bridge. It's a long distance but no buildings in the way. We can easily shoot her from the position on the roof." Clint explained.

"I'll talk to an agent. Thank you Clint, see you tomorrow." Natasha said while walking to the door with Clint, "Goodnight Nat."

"Night." Natasha said as she closed the door behind him.

What The Shadows Hide ~ Natasha x female OC.Where stories live. Discover now