7.3. The Battle

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The Battle

Only a few minutes had passed, but Costia was already walking circles in the laboratory. "I don't get distracted easily," Shuri said as she looked up from her work, "but you are very annoying." she muttered.

"Sorry." Costia apologised quickly, she walked towards the table Vision was laying on, Wanda stood right next to him. Costia was the only person in the room who wore an earpiece, she heard multiple people discussing the situation over the comms.

Wanda's eyes kept switching from Vision to Costia, she was impatiently tipping on the table with her fingers. "Go." she said, Costia looked at her confused.

"What?" the brunette asked. Shuri glanced at them, not stopping with her work.

Wanda sighed. "Right now, you're not needed here. I'll get you when we have to destroy the stone."


"Go. We both know they need you, also, Natasha needs you." Wanda said.

Costia quickly walked over and hugged Wanda, the girl had grown up so much in the last years. "See you in a while." the brunette said before she quickly walked out, she remembered the way from when they walked inside.

Because she was running she arrived at the battlefield in just one or two minutes. She quickly made her way through to the front, being faster than most of the others. She stopped at the frontline, trying to spot her wife. "There." she heard someone say.

Costia quickly turned around, just to see Bucky standing right next to her. He was pointing towards the force field. Costia followed the movement to see Natasha, T'Challa and Steve walking towards the border. One of the aliens they fought in Edinburgh was standing there, along with another taller one.

"Thank you." Costia said quickly before she jogged towards them. Natasha was a little surprised by her wife's presence, but she didn't say anything. She wanted her to be there.

"Where's your other friend?" Natasha asked the female alien.

"You will pay for his life with yours." she said, her voice sounded like a robot. "Thanos will have that stone."

Costia could feel the wind in her hair, it wasn't too hot or too cold. Actually the weather was very pleasant. The army behind the four was clearly audible, somehow it gave them a sense of power. But they also saw the army behind the force field, most of them were still in the drop ships though.

"That's not gonna happen." Costia said certainly. No one would be able to get to Natasha, especially not this alien. Costia would make sure of it.

"You are in Wakanda now." T'Challa said. "Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood."

"We..." the female alien grumbled, "Have blood to spare." she said before rasing her right arm with a cry. Several of the large tops of the drop-ships emerged from the forest behind her. The rumbling was heard over the whole battlefield.

"Alright." Costia mumbled as her, T'Challa, Steve and Natasha returned to the frontline, looking at the waiting army. They came to a stop next to Bucky.

"Did they surrender?" the man asked.

Costia sighed. "Not exactly." she said as she furrowed her eyebrows.

They all watched as the trees shook, soon after aliens came out of the forest. They looked like little beasts walking on four legs, they were terrifying. T'Challa was shouting something in their language, Costia assumed it were orders for the soldiers.

The female alien sliced the air with her sword and a whole lot more of her army ran out of the woods, towards them. "What the hell?" Bucky said, they heard the sounds of the beasts even from the distance.

What The Shadows Hide ~ Natasha x female OC.Where stories live. Discover now