Chapter Three "Just the Arcade"

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Brook and Ash played many arcade games, including the rigged ones. They got more food at the same time and was just hanging out. "How many tickets you got?" Ash asked while coming over to Brook. (They are using cards for the tickets) Brook went over to a area to check. Brook then looked at Ash, "624 tickets, you?" Ash looked at him with a smirk, "I got 681." Brook then sighed, "I thought I would have more, guess not." "Well, are you gonna go get a prize or are we gonna get more tickets?" Ash asked still having a smirk. Brook check his phone for the time. 6:41 pm, Brook nodded and agreed to play more to win more tickets. After an hour or so, they came back together to see their tickets. Ash checked his card, 732 tickets, Brook's amount was 706. Ash was quite surprised how much Brook earned in that time being. Their difference was 57 tickets and now it was 26. Brook and Ash went to get some prizes.

Brook exclaimed, "I still cant believe how some of those prizes were up to 3,500 tickets, but playing all those games were fun." Ash agreed and said, "I know right, but I'm kind of got hungry, you want go for some food before going back?" Brook checked his phone, 7:15 pm. He then agreed to go and they went to find a place to eat. They decided to go to a Korean BBQ. (First thing I thought of) While eating, Brook asked, "Are you feeling good still, that headache looked very bad the time I saw you." "Oh, I'm fine really, just maybe I was just feeling under the weather." Ash assured. Ash and Brook just ate. Few moments after they were done and they paid and left. When they were going back to their dorm Brook spoke, "You know, I should have paid." Ash looked at him, answering, "No of course not, I paid so I paid." He sounds slightly annoyed. They then headed back to their dorms.

When they headed back, Ash quickly got ready for bed until he remembered his homework. Ash decided to do it, so that he was not rushing in the mornings. Brook on the other hand, went to get ready for bed and just went to sleep quickly after. Not doing much when he got home. Ash tried to finished his homework quickly as he was getting tired. Not long afterwards Ash went to bed.

The next morning Ash was still tired, but he did not want to be late. So he got ready, he knew he couldn't go to the cafeteria like usual so he just grabbed a snack from his dorm and left. When going to his locker he saw Robin, so he went to say hi. "Hey" Ash greeted. Robin seemed frightened at first as it was unexpected. Robin responded, "oh hi Ash, sorry didn't expect you coming out of nowhere." Ash just chuckled and said. "No I should be the one sorry, but anyway I just wanted to say hi and stuff" Robin just smiled and got a couple of things out of her locker. Then Ash hurried to his locker.


To be honest, this is just a chill and calm chapter. Nothing much happens like this is a space filler. Or it might be to get you ready for the unexpected violence 🤫🤭... JUST KIDDING  (maybe...) Sorry for any grammar mistakes
Hope you liked this chapter even though not much happens.

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