Chapter Seven "I'm Fine..."

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The next day. Ash felt the same feeling he had after the headache incident a while back. (That was in Ch. 1) He would describe as he did not feel like himself and his mind kept thinking of dark & mischievous stuff that he would not usually think of. When he came to school and saw Brook talking or hanging out with anyone Ash was jealous easily, even if it was just someone a part of their gang. (Robin, Phoenix, Blake, Misty, Dawn) He just felt jealous and felt like he should do something to get them away from Brook.  He had just so many thoughts in his mind of, 'This is wrong...' 'You shouldn't do it!' 'Murder...' 'They are your friends.' His mind raced with thoughts, but then he went back to reality after hearing a familiar voice. "Hi," said the voice. Ash looked up and saw Misty looking worried at him. She sat down next to him. Ash put his book down on the table. (they are in library) Misty questioned, "Are you actually feeling alright?" Ash look puzzled and gave a 'What do you mean' kind of look. "You seem to be avoiding all of us, I saw you walk passed us in the hall, and like even Phoenix questioned it." Misty told him. Ash looked down and replied quietly, "I don't know..." Misty looked at him nervously, but claimed, "If you ever need help or just someone to talk to, we're all here for you, avoiding us won't help, it's even makes us worried..." Ash smiled softly at her and assured her, "I'm fine, just need some alone time." Misty smiled and got up and walked away.

It was in the middle of the day and Ash still didn't talk or even hang out with the others. He was walking to his locker and saw Robin and Misty. He didn't know what to say to them if they saw him, so he tried not to get seen. Misty looked up from her conversation with Robin, and saw him. She told Robin, "off topic, but Ash says he wants alone time, so let's try not to talk to him for a while until it feels like he's getting worst." Robin nodded, and looked back to see Ash. Both of them just went back to their conversation.

Ash after taking some stuff out of his locker walked away and went to class. His day was alright, just kind of lonely. He was walking to his dorm, but then saw Jack. Ash didn't think much of it until he saw Jack was bullying Brook and Robin. 'Brook has a nosebleed, and Robin looks bruised up...' Ash thought. He ran up and punched Jack. Robin grabbed both of Ash and Brook's wrist and ran, but Ash let go. "Go without me." Robin and Brook looked worried but looked at each other and Robin ran. Ash thought both of them did, as he didn't notice Brook walked around the corner and stood there. Ash yelled, "Jack! Just leave us alone already!" Jack snickered. "And if I don't?" Ash glared into Jack's eyes. His mind remembered, '"So we all agree to keep our crystals a secret at school?" Robin said. "Yep" Misty claimed. "Yeah." Brook responded. Ash nodded with them.' That memory reminded him that they all agreed to keep their powers a secret, even if it mean getting beat up in school. They didn't want the attention from it. He couldn't do anything much or Jack could get suspicious. Jack punched Ash to the floor and was about to punch him a second time until, Brook from the corner grabbed Ash wrist and teleported them out. Jack was standing there in shock and was speechless as he didn't know Brook was behind there. In his mind Ash just disappeared with a slight blue light.

Ash and Brook got teleported at Brook's place. Ash was shocked, "When were you there?" "I was always there, I never ran away with Robin." Brook told him. "Y'know Ash, I  appreciate you helping me when I'm getting into fights, but remember we agreed to keep our powers a secret. Obviously I'm fine if you want to reveal yo-" "No, that's not it. It's just I hate seeing you get hurt even though you can fight back." Ash answered, his tone was worried. Brook smiled softly and claimed, "it's fine Ash, I'll try to fight back slightly more." Brook smiled faded. He added, "I wanted to ask if you're alright, you seem to be avoiding us. Misty said you wanted alone time, but I want to make sure you are okay..." Ash looked Brook in the eyes, he smiled, "I'm fine."


Heyyyyy, finally finished this chapter and I'm struggling for a storyline for the next chapter 🥲✌🏻 Hope y'all like it I don't have much to say so, have a good rest of your day/night 💛

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