Chapter Four "A Shirt stained with Water"

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Moments later at his locker he looked over and saw Celeste again talking to Brook. Ash couldn't tell what she was saying but Ash got a bad feeling. Ash walked passed Celeste and Brook, Brook seemed to notice Ash, but did not say anything. Ash then heard Celeste saying, "y'know~ I can't help but notice how attractive you are, plus you have a personality that's just my type." Brook looked shocked and blushed a bit. Ash tried to walk away without being suspicious, but he just could not. In Ash mind, "If I see her say or do anything else to Brook that is romantic, I'm fucking done with her!"

In studying spells class, Ash looked over to Celeste who was just doing her work. Even though she was just doing her work Ash was still just so annoyed at her. (Like when you hate someone, and everything they do just annoys you) Ash just rolled his eyes and his work. Ash then saw Celeste raise her hand to use the restroom. Ash thought nothing about it for some time. Until when he looked out the door window he saw Brook trying to get to his class and Celeste trying talking to him. That got on Ash's nerves quite a bit. Not so long after, Celeste came back in the room her shirt seemed to have got a bit wet. 'I wonder how her shirt got wet.' Ash thought, but then started to go back to working.

(Brook side of the situation)
Brook was just walking to give another teacher some papers because his teacher asked him to. He walked past the studying spells class and saw that Ash was in there. Ash did not notice him, but Celeste did. Celeste quickly raised her hand and asked something. Brook didn't care and went off to the teacher. While leaving that classroom after giving the teacher some papers he saw Celeste walking along the halls. She ran up to him and said, "Brook! What are you doing here?" Brook just replied, "not much, what are you doing here?" Celeste answered, "Just was heading to the bathrooms." They walked past the studying spells room and that was the time Ash has noticed them. Brook was trying to get to his class and was annoyed by Celeste. For his luck she head over to the drinking fountain, so why not use his powers. He controlled some of the water and it came on her shirt. She looked shocked and looked over to him embarrassed. "Oh my! Do you have a paper towel?!" Brook just shook his head to her. She rushed to the restrooms to try to dry up her shirt a bit. In that time being, Brook just walked off to his class relieved.

It was almost the end of the day and Ash just sighed. As he was walking to his locker. He grabbed out his phone as he heard a buzz. To his surprise he saw a text message from "Brook 💙" saying, [You do not get how annoyed I got today] Ash thought and then texted, [What happened] Brook took some time to reply, but then said, [Some girl kept talking to me and followed me even though I was just trying to get to class, bet she also tried flirting] Ash chuckled quietly and had an idea of who it was, Ash then reread the flirting part. Thoughts raced to his head, but he acted like nothing happened. [Wow, who was it 🙄] Ash texted. Brook said shortly after, [You know Celeste? It was her] Ash eyes look at the "Celeste" There was now one last string and then he would be so done, just because he was pitying her. Ash texted, [😒] right after he also texted [I gotta go] Ash then put away his phone and walked to his dorm room.


Well I'm done with this chapter! Grammar still sucks. Sorry there was no new chapter last week but here's ch 4! I wonder what gonna happen next 😦 Also how do you feel about the character Celeste?

Yandere Ash (An Element Protector Fanfic) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora